
Bonn 2025 – scientific programme

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AGPhil: Arbeitsgruppe Philosophie der Physik

AGPhil 10: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics II

AGPhil 10.1: Talk

Thursday, March 13, 2025, 17:00–17:30, HS XVII

Unveiling Biases in Physics: the Case of Higher-Order Equations and the Quest for a Theory of Quantum GravityLuca Gasparinetti1 and •Aaron Collavini21University of Milan, Milan, Italy — 2University of Italian Switzerland, Lugano, Switzerland

Drawing on the work of Anjum and Rocca (2024), this talk examines philosophical biases in theoretical physics, focusing on the Lagrangian formalism's dominance in formulating, among others, theories of quantum gravity. In particular, Lagrangian theories of order higher than the second in the time derivatives are unstable according to Ostrogradsky's no-go theorem (Swanson 2022). This implies that, in physical practice, higher-order theories are often rejected a priori. However, Collavini and Ansoldi (under review) critique the application and the consistency of the Lagrangian framework to higher-order formulations, and invite to reconsider and extend the conceptual framework on which the standard treatment of second-order theories is based. Their arguments exemplify the weakness of the foundational premises hidden in physical theories, and invite to uncover new pathways for reconciling general relativity and quantum mechanics. Drawing on their analysis, we argue that the unquestioned reliance on the Lagrangian formalism is shaped by specific philosophical biases and value judgments. Collavini and Ansoldi*s work thus serves as a key example of how confronting implicit assumptions can drive progress towards a better understanding of the physical world. This would finally demonstrate how revealing and interrogating hidden philosophical biases can foster a productive interplay between philosophy and science.

Keywords: Quantum gravity; Lagrangian Formalism; Philosophical Biases

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