Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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AGPhil: Arbeitsgruppe Philosophie der Physik
AGPhil 11: Philosophy of Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory
Freitag, 14. März 2025, 11:00–11:00, HS XVII
11:00 | AGPhil 11.1 | The contribution has been moved to AGPhil 8.2. | |
11:00 | AGPhil 11.2 | The contribution has been moved to SYQT 1.2. | |
11:00 | AGPhil 11.3 | The contribution has been moved to AGPhil 8.3. | |
11:00 | AGPhil 11.4 | The contribution has been moved to AGPhil 8.1. | |