Bonn 2025 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
AKE 1: Innovative Contributions for the Energy System Transformation
Montag, 10. März 2025, 14:30–16:45, HS HISKP
14:30 |
AKE 1.1 |
Bedarf und Rolle von Grundlastkraftwerken in einem treibhausgasarmen Energiesystem — •Philipp Stöcker, Berit Erlach, Sven Wurbs und Cyril Stephanos
15:00 |
AKE 1.2 |
Optimized transformation planning for municipal energy systems by coupling Agent-Based Modelling and Linear Programming — •Hannes Koch, Stefan Lechner, Michael Düren, and Peter Winker
15:15 |
AKE 1.3 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:30 |
AKE 1.4 |
Unterwasser-Pumpspeicherkraftwerke in Tagebaugruben — •Horst Schmidt-Böcking, Henry Riße, Gerhard Luther, Joachim Schwister und Michael Hollerbach
15:45 |
AKE 1.5 |
Modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and hydrogen storage using Metal Hydrides — •Zahra Harati, Jan Lohbreier, and Gholam Reza Nabi Bidhendi
16:00 |
AKE 1.6 |
Optical, structural and electrochemical properties of re-synthesized Graphite powder for Anode battery application — •slaheddine Jabri, Anna Rollin, Sukanya Sukanya, René Wilhelm, Michael Kurrat, Uta Schlickum, and Markus Etzkorn
16:15 |
AKE 1.7 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:30 |
AKE 1.8 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.