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K: Fachverband Kurzzeit- und angewandte Laserphysik

K 6: Poster

K 6.10: Poster

Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 14:00–16:00, Tent

Laser-Driven X-ray Sources — •Luka Petersen, Lion Günster, Jose Mapa, Greta Paruschke, Philip Mosel, Sven Fröhlich, David Schmitt, Uwe Morgner, Andrea Trabattoni, and Milutin Kovacev — Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany

The field of X-ray imaging has gained increasing attention in recent years due to its applications in the medical and industrial sectors. Advancements in this field have enabled to resolve increasingly smaller structures within shorter time frames. However, high-intensity and especially pulsed X-ray sources are usually only available in large-scale facilities.[1]

Here we present our current development of a table-top laser-based high-repetitive X-ray source. The setup is based on the concept of laser-produced plasma (LPP) driven by a high-power laser system that is focused on a liquid metal jet target. The produced plasma consequently emits a strong X-ray burst. The aim is to enhance brilliance and coherence compared to conventional X-ray sources, such as X-ray tubes. This is possible as lasers can achieve much smaller focal spots than electron beams. In first benchmark experiments we will compare different target geometries in terms of photon numbers, X-ray source sizes, debris and handling.

[1] Robert Schoenlein et al., Recent advances in ultrafast X-ray sources 2019,

Keywords: Secondary sources; Laser produced plasma; high brilliance; X-ray

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn