
Bonn 2025 – scientific programme

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MO: Fachverband Molekülphysik

MO 12: Poster – Cold Atoms and Molecules, Matter Waves (joint session Q/A/MO)

MO 12.66: Poster

Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 14:00–16:00, Tent

Engineering mirrors on the nanoscale: Cavity fiber mirrors by Qlibri — •Franziska Haslinger, Michael Förg, Manuel Nutz, Jonathan Noé, and Thomas Hümmer — Qlibri GmbH, Munich, Germany

Tunable optical-fiber-based micro-cavities offer a variety of applications such as sensing (Jiang, 2001), manipulation of solid-state systems (Dufferwiel, 2015), quantum information processing (Grinkemeyer, 2024), and absorption microscopy (Hümmer, 2016). The key component of such a system is an optical fiber with a precise spherically shaped depression in its end facet. This has previously not been manufacturable with reproducible results on a large scale.

Here, we present a fabrication method for high quality fibers to use in an open micro-cavity system utilizing laser induced thermal ablation and dielectric coating. With hundreds of shots, only ablating a few nanometers per shot, the resulting symmetry and fiber geometry are reproducible and reliable. Precise tuning of properties such as the mode volume, mode-matching and very short and very long operable cavity lengths is thus possible.

Tailoring their geometrical and optical properties allows to adapt to a variety of experimental needs. In selected experiments we demonstrate the performance of these fibers in state-of-the-art micro-cavity applications.

Keywords: micro-cavity; optical fiber; Ablation; Microscopy

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