Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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MO: Fachverband Molekülphysik
MO 13: Ultrafast Dynamics II
MO 13.4: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 12. März 2025, 11:45–12:00, HS XVI
Towards Ultrafast Molecular Dynamics in Chiral Molecules in a Micro-solvated Environment — •Liliana M. Ramos Moreno1, Deepak K. Pandey1, Sagnik Das1, Claus-Peter Schulz2, Hendrike Braun-Knie1, and Jochen Mikosch1 — 1Institut für Physik, Universität Kassel, Kassel, Germany — 2Max Born Institute (MBI), Berlin, Germany
The environment surrounding a molecule, its solvent, affects the molecular properties and reaction dynamics. Solution in water is of particular relevance in biology and chemistry. Water is also of great fundamental interest as the ``universal solvent'', with the ability to dissolve more substances than most other liquids. We follow a bottom-up approach to investigate solution effects with femtosecond laser spectroscopy step-by-step, by adding water molecules one at a time to a small molecule in the gas phase. The clusters are produced in a temperature-variable molecular beam source[1]. The experiments are performed in a Photoelectron Photoion Coincidence (PEPICO) spectrometer. It consists of a magnetic bottle for photoelectrons and a Wiley-McLaren spectrometer for photoions, allowing us to retrieve time-of-flight spectra, in coincidence. We will present our experimental setup and the progress of an experiment where we study the time-dependent Circular Dichroism (CD) in 3-methyl cyclopentanone (3-MCP). The temperature-variable source allows us to change the conformer composition of 3-MCP and test a hypothesis established in recent work[2]. [1]Müller et al., JPCA 118, 8517 (2014) [2]Das et al., Control of circular dichroism in ion yield of 3-methyl cyclopentanone with femtosecond laser pulses(submitted).
Keywords: Water clusters; ultrafast spectroscopy; PEPICO; Chirality