Bonn 2025 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MO 14: Polaritonic Effects in Molecular Systems II (joint session MO/Q)
Mittwoch, 12. März 2025, 11:00–13:00, HS XV
11:00 |
MO 14.1 |
Boundary conditions and violations of bulk-edge correspondence in a hydrodynamic model — Gian Michele Graf and •Alessandro Tarantola
11:15 |
MO 14.2 |
Cavity-mediated electron-electron interactions: Renormalizing Dirac states in graphene — •Hang Liu, Francesco Troisi, Hannes Huebener, Simone Latini, and Angel Rubio
11:30 |
MO 14.3 |
Quantum algorithms for QED systems — •Francesco Troisi, Simone Latini, Heiko Appel, Ivano Tavernelli, and Angel Rubio
11:45 |
MO 14.4 |
Control of cavity dissipations across the insulator-to-metal transition in 1T-TaS2 — •Giacomo Jarc, Angela Montanaro, Shahla Yasmin Mathengattil, Enrico Rigoni, and Daniele Fausti
12:00 |
MO 14.5 |
Chirality and Dimensionality in the Ultrastrong Light-matter Coupling Regime — •Rémi Avriller and Cyriaque Genet
12:15 |
MO 14.6 |
The complex interplay of collectivity, locality and temperature in polaritonic chemistry — •Dominik Sidler, Michael Ruggenthaler, Jacob Horak, Thomas Schnappinger, and Angel Rubio
12:30 |
MO 14.7 |
Controlling Plasmonic Catalysis via Strong Coupling with Electromagnetic Resonators — Jakub Fojt, Paul Erhart, and •Christian Schäfer
12:45 |
MO 14.8 |
Role of Symmetry in Charge Transfer Complexation under Vibrational Strong Coupling — •Anjali Jayachandran, Cyriaque Genet, and Thomas Ebbesen