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MO: Fachverband Molekülphysik
MO 15: Interaction with VUV and X-ray Light I (joint session A/MO)
MO 15.2: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 12. März 2025, 11:15–11:30, GrHS Mathe
Coherent control of strongly driven quantum dynamics using shaped extreme ultraviolet pulses — •Lukas Bruder — Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg, Germany
The shaping of femtosecond light fields with pulse shapers is a powerful technique enabling the control of quantum dynamics with high selectivity. While the technique is well established in the visible to infrared domain, comparable methods do not exist at shorter wavelengths in the XUV or X-ray domain. We have recently demonstrated the first coherent control experiment using pulse shaping in the XUV domain [1]. We show high fidelity quantum control of Rabi dynamics in helium atoms. In particular, the selective suppression of the two-photon ionization rate could be demonstrated and the strong dressing of continuum states was revealed, which is otherwise difficult to access at long wavelengths.
The results originate from the joint effort of many international laboratories and of a large number of researchers[1], whose work is gratefully acknowledged.
[1] F. Richter et al., arXiv:2403.01835 (2024)
Keywords: XUV spectroscopy; strong-field; Rabi; free electron laser; coherent control