Bonn 2025 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MO 19: Interaction with Strong or Short Laser Pulses I (joint session A/MO)
Mittwoch, 12. März 2025, 14:30–16:15, GrHS Mathe
14:30 |
MO 19.1 |
Time Resolved Diffractive Imaging of Laser Induced Dynamics in Materials — •Tom Böttcher, Richard Altenkirch, Stefan Lochbrunner, Christian Peltz, Thomas Fennel, and Franziska Fennel
15:00 |
MO 19.2 |
Ionization and Fragmentation of Polyatomic Molecules in Intense Laser Fields using a Reaction Microscope — •Martin Garro, Narayan Kundu, Horst Rottke, Arne Senftleben, and Jochen Mikosch
15:15 |
MO 19.3 |
Machine learning for retrieval of the time-dependent internuclear distance in a molecule from photoelectron momentum distributions: fully quantum mechanical approach — •Nikolay Shvetsov-Shilovski and Manfred Lein
15:30 |
MO 19.4 |
Harmonic generation with topological edge states and electron-electron interaction — •Siamak Pooyan and Dieter Bauer
15:45 |
MO 19.5 |
High-harmonic generation in weakly coupled organic molecular systems — •Falk-Erik Wiechmann, Samuel Schöpa, Lina Marie Bielke, Felipe Morales, Serguei Patchkovskii, Maria Richter, Dieter Bauer, and Franziska Fennel
16:00 |
MO 19.6 |
A theoretical perspective on high-harmonic generation in organic molecular crystals — •Samuel Schöpa, Lina Bielke, Falk-Erik Wiechmann, Felipe Morales, Serguei Patchkovskii, Maria Richter, Franziska Fennel, and Dieter Bauer