17:00 |
MO 20.1 |
Auger electron spectroscopy of isothiocyanic acid, HNCS — •Dorothee Schaffner, Marius Gerlach, Emil Karaev, John Bozek, Ingo Fischer, and Reinhold Fink
17:00 |
MO 20.2 |
Towards laser spectroscopy of highly excited states of H3+ — •Marleen Maxton, Lukas Berger, Florian Grussie, Oldřich Novotný, Viviane C. Schmidt, Aigars Znotins, and Holger Kreckel
17:00 |
MO 20.3 |
A newsetup for Free Electron Laser based photoelectron spectroscopy — •Nishtha Lakhanpal, Kariman Elshimi, Bernd von Issendorff, and Fabian Bär
17:00 |
MO 20.4 |
Interaction of nitro-compounds with asymmetric (ω/2ω) fs laser fields — •Panagiotis Vamvakidis and Constantine Kosmidis
17:00 |
MO 20.5 |
Investigating Photoinduced Dynamics of a 1,4-Azaborine with Time-Resolved X-ray Spectroscopy — •Katharina Theil, Ingo Fischer, Jonas Fackelmayer, Merlin Heß, Holger Braunschweig, Constant Schouder, Dennis Mayer, Fabiano Lever, Xiaojun Wang, Rui Pan, Ulrike Frühling, Christina Papadopoulou, Markus Gühr, Xincheng Miao, Simone Veglianti, and Roland Mitric
17:00 |
MO 20.6 |
Detailed investigation of unexpected photoelectron spectra via angle-resolved spectroscopy of Gold clusters — •Steve Takouan Tchounga, Lucas Weise, and Bernd von Issendorff
17:00 |
MO 20.7 |
Photoelectron spectroscopy study of cold anthracene anions in gas phase — •Kevin Schwarz and Bernd von Issendorff
17:00 |
MO 20.8 |
Time-resolved Imaging of CH4 Fragmentation in Strong Laser Fields — •Nikolas Rapp, Weiyu Zhang, Thomas Pfeifer, and Robert Moshammer
17:00 |
MO 20.9 |
In search for superconductivity in Niobium clusters — •Maziyar Kazmei and Bernd von Issendorff
17:00 |
MO 20.10 |
Toward understanding ultrafast dynamics of uracil and uraci-water clusters — •Aditi Pradhan, Ivo S. Vinklárek, Hubertus Bromberger, Sebastian Trippel, and Jochen Küpper
17:00 |
MO 20.11 |
Towards Unravelling Solvation Dynamics: From Isolated Molecules to Micro-Hydrated Environments — •Deepak K. Pandey, Liliana M. Ramos Moreno, Claus-Peter Schulz, and Jochen Mikosch
17:00 |
MO 20.12 |
Dynamics of the activation of small molecules by zirconium cations in the gas phase — •Boris Heeb, Marcel Meta, and Jennifer Meyer
17:00 |
MO 20.13 |
Photofragmentation studies of cold deoxyadenosine monophosphate (dAMP) anions — •Miriam Westermeier, Christian Sprenger, Samuel White, Eric Endres, and Roland Wester
17:00 |
MO 20.14 |
Probing De-excitation and Vibrational Re-Distribution Processes in Jet-Cooled N2O Using a Combination of cw-Infrared and Microwave Chirped Pulse Technique — •Jonas Bosmann, Fabian Peterß, Jan Wenske, Guido Fuchs, and Thomas Giesen
17:00 |
MO 20.15 |
3D Time Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy on Carbondisulfide — •Marvin Krupp, Scott Goudreau, Andrey Boguslavskiy, Jean-Luc Bégin, and Albert Stolow
17:00 |
MO 20.16 |
Imaging thermal-energy chemical dynamics of a solvated (bio)molecular complex system — •Mukhtar Singh, Matthew Scott Robinson, Hubertus Bromberger, Sebastian Trippel, and Jochen Küpper
17:00 |
MO 20.17 |
UV photo-induced dissociation dynamics of solvated (bio)molecular complex system — •Mukhtar Singh, Matthew Scott Robinson, Hubertus Bromberger, Sebastian Trippel, and Jochen Küpper
17:00 |
MO 20.18 |
Simplifying rotational spectra: A broadband double resonance approach in millimeter wave spectroscopy — •Prachi Misra, Luis Bonah, Mariyam Fatima, and Stephan Schlemmer
17:00 |
MO 20.19 |
Investigation of the interaction between organic dopants and a helium nanodroplet environment with time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy — •Leonie Werner, Ulrich Bangert, Sebastian Hartweg, Yilin Li, Arne Morlok, Felix Riedel, Frank Stienkemeier, and Lukas Bruder
17:00 |
MO 20.20 |
Photodissociation dynamics of the bromomethyl radical — •Lilith Wohlfart, Christian Matthaei, and Ingo Fischer
17:00 |
MO 20.21 |
Generation of long-lived triplet-triplet multiexciton in Pentacene-(Tetracene)2-Pentacene intramolecular singlet fission compound - the theoretical perspective. — •Arifa Nazir, Alok Shukla, and Sumit Mazumdar
17:00 |
MO 20.22 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
MO 20.23 |
Quantum Light enabled Ultrafast Spectroscopy — •Jiahao Fan, Feihong Liu, Zhe-Yu Ou, and Zhedong Zhang