
Bonn 2025 – scientific programme

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MO: Fachverband Molekülphysik

MO 20: Poster – Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics

MO 20.9: Poster

Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 17:00–19:00, Tent

In search for superconductivity in Niobium clusters — •Maziyar Kazmei and Bernd von Issendorff — Physikalisches Institut Universität Freiburg

Among the superconducting materials, Nb stands out due to its high critical temperature and is often used as a model system, to investigate superconductivity-related physics. The question arises at what size Nb clusters will exhibit properties related to superconductivity, namely Cooper pair formation. Some hints for this to happen already at small sizes have been found by de Heer and coworkers [1]. We have measured photoelectron spectroscopy of size -selected Nb clusters in similar size ranges, with temperatures between 3.9-50 K in the gas phase, employing a recently developed photoelectron magnetic bottle spectrometer with a resolution of ΔE/E= 0.2 %. Vibrationally resolved spectra have been obtained for several sizes, but no direct evidence for unusual temperature effects yet.

Keywords: Cluster; Super conductivity; Cooper pair; photo-electron spectroscopy

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