Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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MO: Fachverband Molekülphysik
MO 24: Attosecond Physics II (joint session A/MO)
MO 24.1: Hauptvortrag
Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 11:00–11:30, GrHS Mathe
Circular Dichroic Attosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy — •Lauren Drescher1,2, Nicola Mayer2,3, Kylie Gannan1, Jonah Adelman1, and Stephen Leone1 — 1Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA — 2Max-Born-Institut, Max-Born-Str. 2A, 12489, Berlin, Germany — 3Attosecond Quantum Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, King's College London, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS, United Kingdom
The angular momentum of light couples to matter via the total angular momentum. By limiting possible orbital angular momentum states, circular polarized light can be used to enact spin-specificity onto the optical excitation of matter, even within isotropic media. We leverage this effect in our method of circular dichroic attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy to prepare and measure spin-specific coupling with attosecond temporal precision. This principle is demonstrated using co- and counter-rotating two-color excitation of helium Rydberg states, showing the effect of dipole selection and propensity rules in the selective excitation of spin-specific states. Our methods allows to study the dynamic of spin-specific excitations and gives insight into the orbital character of excited states through their interaction with circular polarized two-color fields. Furthermore we demonstrate that, given a known model system, our method allows to measure the polarization state of attosecond extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses in-situ and in an all-optical setup.
Keywords: Circular dichroism; spin; attosecond; extreme ultraviolet; transient absorption spectroscopy