Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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MO: Fachverband Molekülphysik
MO 24: Attosecond Physics II (joint session A/MO)
MO 24.4: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 12:00–12:15, GrHS Mathe
attosecond coherent control using nonlinear processes driven by a seeded FEL — •Sooraj R.S1, Ioannis Makos1, Michele Di Fraia2, Oksana Plekan2, Praveen Maroju3, David Busto3, S Hartweg1, David Garzella2, Kevin Prince2, A Demidovich2, Johan Mauritsson3, Marvin Schmoll1, Aaron Ngai1, R Moshammer4, C Medina4, Muwaffaq Mourtada4, T Pfeifer4, Tamas Csizmadia5, Debobrata Rajak5, Klemen Bucar6, Andrej Mihelic6, Matjaz Zitnik6, Uwe Thumm8, Fernando M Garcia7, Carlo Callegari2, Elena Gryzlova1, and Giuseppe Sansone1 — 1Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg,Germany — 2Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste,Italy — 3Lund University, Sweden — 4MPI für Kernphysik Heidelberg,Germany — 5ELI ALPS , Hungary — 6Jožef Stefan Institute,Slovenia — 7Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,Spain — 8Kansas State University, USA
In this study, we investigate interference between two coherent pathways in two-photon double ionization (TPDI) of Ar, mediated by the 3s3p65p and 3s3p66p[1] states, and in N2 through the Hopfield resonances 3dσg and 3dπg[2]. Using phase-controlled XUV radiation from FEL FERMI, we record photoelectron spectra from TPDI to study how intermediate resonances affect the contrast and phase of oscillations from two nonlinear-coherent paths.This study highlights the critical role of intermediate resonances in controlling the interference dynamics of multiphoton ionization processes.[1] Elena V G et al. In: The Eu Phy Jo D 73 (2019)[2] M Reduzzi et al. In: Jo of Phy B:AMO Physics 49.6 (2016)
Keywords: Coherent control; free electron lasers; two photon ionization; nonlinear process