Bonn 2025 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MO 3: Rydberg Atoms, Ions, and Molecules (joint session Q/MO)
Montag, 10. März 2025, 11:00–12:45, HS I
11:00 |
MO 3.1 |
Interfacing Rydberg atoms with an GHz electromechanical oscillator — •Julia Gamper, Cedric Wind, Valerie Mauth, Samuel Germer, Wolfgang Alt, and Sebastian Hofferberth
11:15 |
MO 3.2 |
Magic wavelength traps for collective Rydberg excitations — •Daniil Svirskiy, Lukas Ahlheit, Chris Nill, Jan de Haan, Nina Stiesdal, Wolfgang Alt, Igor Lesanovsky, and Sebastian Hofferberth
11:30 |
MO 3.3 |
Avoided-Crossing Rydberg Facilitation with Phonon Coupling in 1D Lattices — •Daniel Brady and Michael Fleischhauer
11:45 |
MO 3.4 |
Electronically Excited Cold Rydberg Ion Crystals — •Marion Mallweger, Natalia Kuk, Harry Parke, Ivo Straka, Robin Thomm, Vinay Shankar, Weibin Li, Igor Lesanovsky, and Markus Hennrich
12:00 |
MO 3.5 |
Ultralong-Range Ytterbium Rydberg Molecules — •Tangi Legrand, Florian Pausewang, Xin Wang, Ludwig Müller, Eduardo Uruñuela, Wolfgang Alt, and Sebastian Hofferberth
12:15 |
MO 3.6 |
Roughening dynamics of quantum interfaces — Wladislaw Krinitsin, •Niklas Tausendpfund, Matteo Rizzi, Markus Heyl, and Markus Schmitt
12:30 |
MO 3.7 |
Control thermalization in one dimensional Floquet driven Rydberg atom chain — •Weibin Li, Yunhui He, and Jianming Zhao