Bonn 2025 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MO 4: Molecular Spectroscopy of Liquid Jets I
Montag, 10. März 2025, 17:00–18:00, HS XVI
17:00 |
MO 4.1 |
Development and implementation of a flat jet device for mesophase-dependent High Harmonic Generation experiments in thermotropic liquid crystals — •Marta Luisa Murillo-Sánchez, Natalia Copete-Plazas, and Laura Cattaneo
17:15 |
MO 4.2 |
Exploring the origin of multiple plateaus in liquid high-harmonic generation — •Angana Mondal, Ofer Neufeld, Tadas Balciunas, Zhong Yin, Benedikt Wasser, Serge Müller, Angel Rubio, Nicolas Tancogne-Dejean3, and Hans Jakob Wörner
17:30 |
MO 4.3 |
Delocalized electrons in aqueous jets — •Fabio Novelli, Adrian Buchmann, Iqra Yousaf, Lion-Luca Stiewe, Wibke Bronsch, Federico Cilento, Claudius Hoberg, and Martina Havenith
17:45 |
MO 4.4 |
Optical-Pump THz-Probe Spectroscopy of Myoglobin in Water — •Adrian Buchmann, Sebastian Jung, Lion-Luca Stiewe, Luigi Caminiti, and Martina Havenith