Bonn 2025 – scientific programme
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MO: Fachverband Molekülphysik
MO 8: Strong-Field and Ultrafast Phenomena (joint session Q/MO)
MO 8.6: Talk
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 12:30–12:45, HS V
Recent advances in splitting and coherent beam recombining of femtosecond beams/pulses using optical vortex lattices — •Lyubomir Stoyanov1, Yinyu Zhang2,3, Alexander Dreischuh1, and Gerhard Paulus2,3 — 1Department of Quantum electronics, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University — 2Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena — 3Helmholtz Institute Jena
In this work, we will present our recent advances in addressing spectral broadening and temporal compression of high-energy femtosecond pulses by the controllable splitting and coherent beam recombining of such beams/pulses using optical vortex lattices. This controllable and reversible beam reshaping technique known from singular optics is the key feature in this approach. Using fused silica vortex phase plates, etched with square-shaped optical vortex lattices we achieved an experimental realization of controllable beam splitting of intense femtosecond beams/pulses, followed by nonlinear spectral broadening (both in ambient air and fused silica substrate) and a final coherent beam recombination. Moreover, the compression in time of the spectrally broadened pulses down to the Fourier transform limit is demonstrated as well. In our view, the results confirm the feasibility of the proposed idea and provide strong motivation for further optimization and investigation serving as potential alternative to the established methods for coherent beam recombining.
Keywords: optical vortex lattice; singular optics; coherent beam recombining; spectral broadening