Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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PSV: Plenary Special Talks
PSV III: Mittagsvortrag
Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 13:00–14:30, HS XVI
Panel Discussion: Finding your Path after Graduation -- Different Perspectives — • jDPG — DPG
At some point, every physics student is asking themselves: Should I pursue a PhD? While some have a clear vision of their career in industry, communications or public policy, some are very passionate about conducting their own research projects. Some just cannot wait to finally escape academia. Others are not sure about this decision because there are many factors to consider. If you are part of the latter group, this panel discussion is the right place to gain insights and meet peers that are in the same situation.
We're hosting physicists who followed different paths after their graduation, and discuss their thought process while deciding for it.
What was their personal motivation, and which arguments were decisive in favor or against pursuing a PhD?
How relevant was the previous education to what they're doing now? What is their daily work like? What are red flags, but also, what are green flags to look for in potential employers in academia, industry and beyond?
After the panel discussion, there will be the opportunity to discuss own questions with the panelists, with current doctoral researchers and with the other attendees.