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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 12: Quantum Optomechanics I
Q 12.7: Vortrag
Montag, 10. März 2025, 18:30–18:45, HS I
Loading technique for quantum experiments with levitated dielectric and biological nanoparticles — •Stefan Schrems, Lorentz Hummer, Stephan Troyer, and Markus Arndt — Fakultät für Physik, Universität Wien, Wien, Österreich
Levitated optomechanics has seen a rapid development. A typical experiment requires loading, cooling, detection and ideally also coherent state manipulation. However, in many cases the time scale and success of the experiment is still determined by the time to load a suitable particle. Different techniques have been developed throughout the years: Aerosol based nebulization and electrospray ionization, mechanical piezo loading or laser based methods such as optical desorption, matrix-assisted laser desorption or laser-induced acoustic desorption (LIAD). Our goal is to build a reproducible, on-demand source for loading future quantum experiments with dielectric or biological nanoparticles.To desorb dielectric nanoparticles, we are investigating a new source based on the disintegration of (Poly-)Phtalaldehyde (PPA). It relies on the unique properties of this special polymer to absorb light, depolymerize at a temperature TC = 150°C and sublimate immediately after depolymerisation. We coat a thin PPA layer on a glass slide and nebulize size-selected nanoparticles on top of the polymer layer. A highly focused 266 nm pulsed laser (3 μm waist) of low energy sets individual particles free by disintegrating the PPA layer, avoiding van der Waals forces to the substrate. A visible, off-resonant laser then guides the desorbed nanoparticles into the interaction zone, using the dipole force.
Keywords: Nanoparticles; Levitated; Loading; Source