Bonn 2025 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 16: Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC I (joint session A/Q)
Montag, 10. März 2025, 17:00–19:00, KlHS Mathe
17:00 |
Q 16.1 |
QRydDemo - A Rydberg atom quantum computer demonstrator — •Jiachen Zhao, Christopher Bounds, Christian Hölzl, Manuel Morgado, Govind Unnikrishnan, Achim Scholz, Julia Hickl, Sebastian Weber, Hans-Peter Büchler, Simone Montangero, Jürgen Stuhler, Tilman Pfau, and Florian Meinert
17:30 |
Q 16.2 |
Circular dichroism and quantized Rabi oscillations in a synthetic quantum Hall system — •Franz Richard Huybrechts, Arif Warsi Laskar, and Martin Weitz
17:45 |
Q 16.3 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
18:00 |
Q 16.4 |
Atom-ion Feshbach resonances within a spin-mixed atomic bath — •Joachim Siemund, Fabian Thielemann, Jonathan Grieshaber, Kilian Berger, Wei Wu, Krzysztof Jachymski, and Tobias Schätz
18:15 |
Q 16.5 |
Engineering quantum droplet formation by cavity-induced long-range interactions — •Leon Mixa, Milan Radonjić, Axel Pelster, and Michael Thorwart
18:30 |
Q 16.6 |
Rapid state preparation for a fermionic quantum simulator — •Andreas von Haaren, Robin Groth, Liyang Qiu, Janet Qesja, Luca Muscarella, Titus Franz, Timon Hilker, Immanuel Bloch, and Philipp Preiss
18:45 |
Q 16.7 |
Bose and Fermi Polarons in Atom - Ion Hybrid Systems — •Luis Ardila