
Bonn 2025 – scientific programme

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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 16: Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC I (joint session A/Q)

Q 16.1: Invited Talk

Monday, March 10, 2025, 17:00–17:30, KlHS Mathe

QRydDemo - A Rydberg atom quantum computer demonstrator — •Jiachen Zhao1,2, Christopher Bounds1,2, Christian Hölzl1,2, Manuel Morgado1,2, Govind Unnikrishnan1,2, Achim Scholz1,2, Julia Hickl1,2, Sebastian Weber3,2, Hans-Peter Büchler3,2, Simone Montangero4, Jürgen Stuhler5, Tilman Pfau1,2, and Florian Meinert1,215th Inst. of Physics, University of Stuttgart — 2IQST — 3Inst. for Theoretical Physics III, University of Stuttgart — 4Inst. for Complex Quantum Systems, University of Ulm — 5TOPTICA Photonics AG

Quantum computing has garnered significant interest for its potential to solve computationally challenging problems. The QRydDemo project focuses on developing a quantum computer based on neutral strontium atoms individually trapped in an optical tweezer array. In our work, we implemented a novel neutral atom qubit, encoded in the magnetically insensitive metastable fine-structure states 3 P0 and 3P2 of single Sr atoms. This encoding scheme allows for fast single-qubit gates operating on the 100 ns timescale, which is orders of magnitude faster than the optical clock qubit based on the 1 S0 →  3P0 transition. To achieve high-fidelity two-qubit gates via single-photon Rydberg transitions, we are investigating a triple magic trap for both the fine-structure qubit states and the Rydberg state. Furthermore, to realize this scalable quantum computer with 500 qubits, we explore an innovative tweezer architecture that enables dynamic reshuffling of qubits during quantum computation, paving the way for efficient and flexible quantum gate operations.

Keywords: quantum computer; fine-structure qubit; tweezer arrary

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