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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 17: Precision Spectroscopy of Atoms and Ions II (joint session A/Q)
Q 17.3: Vortrag
Montag, 10. März 2025, 17:45–18:00, HS PC
Quantum Logic Control of Complex Systems — •Till Rehmert1, 2, Maximilian J. Zawierucha1, 2, Kai Dietze1, 2, Piet O. Schmidt1, 2, and Fabian Wolf1 — 1Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig — 2Leibniz Universität Hannover
Extending quantum control to increasingly complex systems is crucial for advancing quantum technologies and fundamental physics. Molecules, for instance, offer a rich level structure, permanent dipole moments, and large internal electric fields, making them exceptionally suitable for quantum applications. However, their additional degrees of freedom necessitate sophisticated techniques for cooling, optical pumping, and precise state detection. In trapped ion systems, quantum logic techniques that combine a well-controlled logic ion species with a more complex spectroscopy ion have emerged as powerful tools to overcome these challenges. Using a calcium ion as the logic ion and a co-trapped titanium ion, we have developed schemes for state detection and coherent manipulation of the spectroscopy ion through a far-detuned Raman laser setup. Our results demonstrate the coherent control of different Zeeman manifolds within the a4F ground state of the titanium ion and include precise measurements of the corresponding Landé g-factors. The universal applicability of the Raman laser approach facilitates the transfer of these methods to other qudit systems, such as molecules, all aiming for high-precision spectroscopy. By enhancing the control in these systems, our work paves the way for novel applications in quantum technology and fundamental physics research by making an entire new class of ions accessible to spectroscopy.
Keywords: Quantum Logic; Trapped Ions; Molecular Ions; Titanium Ions; Spectroscopy