Bonn 2025 – scientific programme
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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 19: Quantum Networks, Repeaters, and QKD II (joint session Q/QI)
Q 19.2: Talk
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 11:15–11:30, AP-HS
On-demand storage of single quantum-dot photons in a warm-vapour quantum memory — •Norman Vincenz Ewald1,2,3, Benjamin Maaß1,3, Avijit Barua3, Elizabeth Robertson1, Kartik Gaur3, Suk In Park4, Sven Rodt3, Jin-Dong Song4, Stephan Reitzenstein3, and Janik Wolters1,3 — 1DLR, Institute of Optical Sensor Systems, Berlin — 2PTB, FB 8.2 Biosignals, Berlin — 3TU Berlin — 4KIST, Seoul, Republic of Korea
On-demand storage and retrieval of quantum information in coherent light–matter interfaces is key to optical quantum communication. Warm-alkali-vapour memories offer scalable and robust high-bandwidth storage at high repetition rates which makes them a natural fit for interfaces with solid-state single-photon sources. Recently, we deterministically stored and retrieved single photons from an InGaAs quantum dot after a storage time of 17(2) ns [1], an order of magnitude longer than previously reported [2]. Electro-optical laser pulse control allows for variable retrieval times from our ladder-type quantum memory that operates on the Cs D1 line at 895 nm [3]. Employing weak coherent pulses with 0.06(2) photons per pulse, we achieve an internal memory efficiency of ηint = 15(1)%, a 1/e-storage time of τs ≈ 32 ns, and a high SNR of 830(80). The memory’s wide spectral acceptance window of 560(60) MHz enables storage of broadband photons from sources prone to spectral diffusion and frequency drifts.
[1] Manuscript under peer review. [2] S.E. Thomas et al., Sci. Adv. 10, eadi7346 (2024). [3] B. Maaß, N.V. Ewald, A. Barua, S. Reitzenstein, and J. Wolters, Phys. Rev. Appl. 22, 044050 (2024).
Keywords: quantum memory; quantum dot; single photons; storage; quantum communication