
Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 24: Quantum Computing Implementations (joint session QI/Q)

Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 14:00–15:45, HS II

14:00 Q 24.1 Theory and Experimental Demonstration of Wigner Tomography of Unknown Unitary Quantum Gates — •Amit Devra, Leo Van Damme, Frederik vom Ende, Emanuel Malvetti, and Steffen J. Glaser
14:15 Q 24.2 High Energy Quantum Simulation on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Processor — •Christian Melzer, Stephan Schuster, Diego Alberto Olvera Millán, Janine Hilder, Ulrich Poschinger, Karl Jansen, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
14:30 Q 24.3 Demonstrations of system-bath physics on gate-based quantum computerPascal Stadler, Matteo Lodi, Andisheh Khedri, Rolando Reiner, Kirsten Bark, Nicolas Vogt, Michael Marthaler, and •Juha Leppäkangas
14:45 Q 24.4 Variational quantum algorithm based self-consistent calculations for the two-site DMFT model on noisy quantum computing hardwareJannis Ehrlich, •Daniel F. Urban, and Christian Elsässer
15:00 Q 24.5 Robust Microwave-Driven Quantum Gates in a Cryogenic Surface-Electrode Trap — •Judi Parvizinejad, Sebastian Halama, Giorgio Zarantonello, Celeste Torkzaban, and Christian Ospelkaus
15:15 Q 24.6 Quantum teleportation of a Bell state via cluster states on IBM Quantum — •Branislav Ilich and Nikolay Vitanov
15:30 Q 24.7 Cryogenic microwave generator for quantum information processing with trapped ions — •Sebastian Halama, Peter Toth, Marco Bonkowski, and Christian Ospelkaus
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn