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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 25: Poster – Cold Atoms and Molecules, Matter Waves (joint session Q/A/MO)

Q 25.11: Poster

Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 14:00–16:00, Tent

Correlation Functions for Interacting Fermi Gases in the BCS Regime — •Nikolai Kaschewski, Sejung Yong, and Axel Pelster — Department of Physics and Research Center OPTIMAS, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany

Recent progress in developing quantum gas microscopes in the continuum [1-3] has opened new possibilities for detecting experimentally correlation functions in the realm of ultracold gases. Motivated by this, we present mean-field calculations of density-density correlation functions for interacting Fermi gases in the BCS regime.

Our results turn out to be strongly influenced not only by the temperature and the interaction strength for a harmonic confinenmnt [4], but also by the effective range of the interaction in the homogeneous case [5]. As the latter has so far remained to be an elusive scattering parameter, its experimental detection via correlation function measurements is promising. This can shed new light on the prediction of two different superfluid phases for interacting Fermi gas [5].

[1] T. Jongh et al., arXiv:2411.08776 (2024).

[2] J. Xiang et al., arXiv:2411.08779 (2024).

[3] R. Yao, et al., arXiv:2411.08780 (2024).

[4] S. Yong et al., arXiv:2311.08853 (2023).

[5] N. Kaschweski, C. A. R. Sá de Melo, and A. Pelster, submitted for publication.

Keywords: Fermi gas; quantum gas; correlation function

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn