Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 25: Poster – Cold Atoms and Molecules, Matter Waves (joint session Q/A/MO)
Q 25.13: Poster
Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 14:00–16:00, Tent
High-pressure xenon-noble gas mixtures as a thermalization mediator for VUV photons — •Thilo Falk vom Hövel, Eric Boltersdorf, Frank Vewinger, and Martin Weitz — Institut für Angewandte Physik der Universität Bonn, Wegelerstr. 8, 53115 Bonn
In recent years, microcavity-based Bose-Einstein condensates of photons have become an established experimental platform. In these experiments, photons in the green-to-orange spectral range are confined to high-finesse microcavities filled with a liquid dye solution. Via repeated absorption and emission cycles, the photons adopt a thermal energy distribution, mediated by the thermalization of the dye molecules’ rovibronic levels. Conveying these principles into the VUV spectral regime (100 - 200 nm) would allow for the construction of a coherent light source in a regime where the realization of a laser is difficult. For this endeavor, we intend to replace the dye molecules by a dense xenon-noble gas mixture, with xenon as the optically active constituent. For thermalization, we aim to exploit the transitions around a wavelength of 147 nm between the quasimolecular states associated with the (atomic) 5p6 and 5p56s levels. We report on recent results on the spectroscopic investigation of such mixtures, with sample pressures of up to 100 bar. Centerpiece is a detailed study of absorption and emission spectra, with particular emphasis on the influence of the constituent partial pressures. The fulfillment of the thermodynamic Kennard-Stepanov relation is investigated, which constitutes an essential prerequisite for the suitability of a medium as a thermalization mediator for photons.
Keywords: Bose-Einstein Condensation; High-pressure; VUV