
Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 26: Poster – Precision Measurement, Metrology, and Quantum Effects

Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 14:00–16:00, Tent

14:00 Q 26.1 Real-Space Dynamical Mean-Field Theory Analysis of the Disordered Bose-Hubbard Model — •Bastian Schindler, Renan da Silva Souza, and Walter Hofstetter
14:00 Q 26.2 Adiabatic Control of Photon Transport in Ring Geometries — •Milena Djatchkova, Igor Lesanovsky, and Beatriz Olmos Sanchez
14:00 Q 26.3 Quantum non-demolition measurements in Ramsey interfermetry — •Maja Scharnagl and Klemens Hammerer
14:00 Q 26.4 Quantum dynamics of trapped atom interferometers in optical lattices — •Patrik Mönkeberg, Florian Fitzek, Naceur Gaaloul, and Klemens Hammerer
  14:00 Q 26.5 The contribution has been moved to Q 20.7.
14:00 Q 26.6 High accuracy multi-ion clock operation — •Shobhit S. Dey, Ingrid M. Richter, H. Nimrod Hausser, Jonas Keller, and Tanja E. Mehlstäubler
14:00 Q 26.7 Theoretical Description of The Sequential Bragg Large Momentum Transfer — •Ashkan Alibabaei, Patrik Mönkeberg, Florian Fitzek, Naceur Gaaloul, and Klemens Hammerer
14:00 Q 26.8 Towards x-ray quantum optics using periodically structured cavities — •Robert Horn and Jörg Evers
14:00 Q 26.9 Shot-noise limited detection system for the INTENTAS project — •Viviane Wienzek and The INTENTAS Team
14:00 Q 26.10 Towards a transportable Al+ optical clock — •Joost Hinrichs, Constantin Nauk, Gayatri Sasidharan, Vanessa Galbierz, Sofia Herbers, Benjamin Kraus, and Piet O. Schmidt
14:00 Q 26.11 Laser stabilization for a compact inertial navigation system — •Philipp Barbey, Mouine Abidi, Xingrun Chen, Ashwin Rajagopalan, Ann Sabu, Polina Shelingovskaia, Matthias Gersemann, Dennis Schlippert, Ernst M. Rasel, and Sven Abend
14:00 Q 26.12 Multi-axis quantum gyroscope with multi loop atomic Sagnac interferometry — •Ann Sabu, Polina Shelingovskaia, Mouine Abidi, Philipp Barbey, Ashwin Rajagopalan, Xingrun Chen, Matthias Gersemann, Dennis Schlippert, Ernst M. Rasel, and Sven Abend
14:00 Q 26.13 Realizing of multi-axis interial quantum sensor — •Xingrun Chen, Mouine Abidi, Philipp Barbey, Ashwin Rajagopalan, Ann Sabu, Matthias Gersemann, Ernst Rasel, and Sven Abend
14:00 Q 26.14 Absolute light-shift compensated twin-lattice atom interferometry — •Mikhail Cheredinov, Matthias Gersemann, Ekim T. Hanimeli, Simon Kanthak, Sven Abend, Ernst M. Rasel, and the QUANTUS team
14:00 Q 26.15 Sensing tilt in an optics lab — •Stefan Gessler, Jannik Zenner, and Simon Stellmer
14:00 Q 26.16 General Relativistic Center-of-Mass Coordinates for Composite Quantum Particles — •Gregor Janson and Richard Lopp
  14:00 Q 26.17 The contribution has been withdrawn.
14:00 Q 26.18 High-dimensional maximally entangled photon pairs in parametric down-conversion — •Richard Bernecker, Baghdasar Baghdasaryan, and Stephan Fritzsche
14:00 Q 26.19 Software framework for decoherence-free control design in surface ion traps — •Eric Benjamin Kopp
14:00 Q 26.20 Setup for Laser Excitation of the 229Th Nucleus in a Cryogenic Environment — •Florian Zacherl, Keerthan Subramanian, Nutan Kumari Sah, Srinivasa Pradeep Arasada, Valerii Andriushkov, Jonas Stricker, Yumiao Wang, Ke Zhang, Christoph E. Düllmann, Dmitry Budker, Thorsten Schumm, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, and Lars von der Wense
14:00 Q 26.21 Modeling LMT Atom Interferometers Using Adiabatic Perturbation Theory — •Eric P. Glasbrenner, Richard Lopp, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
14:00 Q 26.22 A single-atom array strongly coupled to an optical cavity for quantum simulation — •Marcel Kern, Thomas Picot, Clément Raphin, Jakob Reichel, and Romain Long
14:00 Q 26.23 Entanglement and coherence in the resonance fluorescence of a two-level quantum emitter — •Gabriele Maron, Xinxin Hu, Luke Masters, Arno Rauschenbeutel, and Jürgen Volz
14:00 Q 26.24 Towards a Chip-Scale Quantum Gravimeter — •Julian Lemburg, Joseph Muchovo, Kai-Christian Bruns, Vivek Chandra, Sam Ondracek, Hendrik Heine, Waldemar Herr, Christian Schubert, and Ernst M. Rasel
14:00 Q 26.25 Towards a two-photon E1-M1 clock transition excitation in 174Yb — •Mario Montero, Ali Lezeik, Dominik Koester, Klaus Zipfel, Ernst M. Rasel, Christian Schubert, and Dennis Schlippert
14:00 Q 26.26 Cooling and diffraction of atoms with a multi-purpose laser system — •Ekim Taylan Hanimeli, Simon Kanthak, Matthias Gersemann, Mikhail Cheredinov, Sven Herrmann, Claus Lämmerzahl, Sven Abend, Ernst M. Rasel, and the QUANTUS team
14:00 Q 26.27 Utilizing Bose-Einstein condensates for atom interferometry in the transportable Quantum Gravimeter QG-1 — •Smit Kanawade, Pablo Nuñez von Voigt, Nina Heine, Waldemar Herr, Jürgen Müller, and Ernst M. Rasel
14:00 Q 26.28 Transportable highly stable laser system for an Al+/Ca+ quantum logic clock — •Gayatri R. Sasidharan, Benjamin Kraus, Sofia Herbers, Fabian Dawel, Constantin Nauk, Joost Hinrichs, Vanessa Galbierz, Pascal Engelhardt, and Piet O. Schmidt
14:00 Q 26.29 Scalable Multi-Loop Cold Atom Rotation Sensor — •Sandra Rühmann, Holger Ahlers, Christian Deppner, Waldemar Herr, and Christian Schubert
14:00 Q 26.30 Commissioning of the Very Long Baseline Atom Interferometry facility — •Guillermo Alejandro Pèrez Lobato, Vishu Gupta, Kai C. Grensemann, Klaus Zipfel, Ernst M. Rasel, and Dennis Schlippert
14:00 Q 26.31 Absolute Aero Quanten-Gravimetrie (AeroQGrav) — •Patrick Rößler, Knut Stolzenberg, Ernst Rasel, and Dennis Schlippert
14:00 Q 26.32 Numerical simulations and differential wavefront analysis for a Ramsey-Bordé interferometry based optical clock — •Levi Wihan, Oliver Fartmann, Amir Mahdian, Vladimir Schkolnik, Ingmari Tietje, and Markus Krutzik
14:00 Q 26.33 Quantum Monte-Carlo study of the bond- and site-diluted transverse-field Ising model — •Calvin Krämer, Max Hörmann, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
14:00 Q 26.34 Strongly coupled Yb atoms in a high-finesse cavity: lasing and spectral dynamics — •Saran Shaju, Dmitriy Sholokhov, Ke Li, Simon B. Jäger, and Jürgen Eschner
14:00 Q 26.35 An open-fiber cavity system for quantum dot spectroscopy — •Moritz Meinecke, Peter Gschwandtner, Sven Höfling, and Tobias Huber-Loyola
14:00 Q 26.36 Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of generalized Dicke-Ising models — •Anja Langheld, Max Hörmann, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
14:00 Q 26.37 Setup of a laser system for Th ions cooling and spectroscopy in a Paul Trap — •Yumiao Wang, Valerii Andriushkov, Keerthan Subramanian, Ke Zhang, Florian Zacherl, Nutan Kumari Sah, Jonas Stricker, Srinivasa Pradeep Arasada, Christoph E. Düllmann, Dmitry Budker, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, and Lars von der Wense
14:00 Q 26.38 Stabilization of a tunable coherence laser system for scattered light suppression — •Lennart Manthey, Daniel Voigt, and Oliver Gerberding
14:00 Q 26.39 Developing compact displacement sensors using Deep Frequency Modulation Interferometry (DFMI) — •Lea Carlotta Hügel, Leander Weickhardt, and Oliver Gerberding
14:00 Q 26.40 Study of Adsorption Kinetics with the Zero Range Process — •Mark Paal, Henry Martin, and Matteo Colangeli
14:00 Q 26.41 Gravitational wave-Induced Photon Superradiance in Atoms — •Navdeep Arya and Magdalena Zych
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn