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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 26: Poster – Precision Measurement, Metrology, and Quantum Effects
Q 26.37: Poster
Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 14:00–16:00, Tent
Setup of a laser system for Th ions cooling and spectroscopy in a Paul Trap — •Yumiao Wang1,2, Valerii Andriushkov3,4, Keerthan Subramanian1, Ke Zhang1, Florian Zacherl1, Nutan Kumari Sah1, Jonas Stricker1,3, Srinivasa Pradeep Arasada1, Christoph E. Düllmann1,3,4, Dmitry Budker1,3,4,5, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler1, and Lars von der Wense1 — 1University of Mainz, Germany — 2Fudan University, China — 3Helmholtz Institute Mainz, Germany — 4GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Germany — 5University of California, USA
The 229mTh isomeric state, with its low excitation energy, offers the potential for highly precise nuclear optical clocks, aiding in dark matter detection and measuring physical constants. Recent experiments have shown direct excitation and de-excitation of the 229mTh nuclear transition in Th-doped crystals using VUV lasers and frequency combs, though excitation in a Paul trap has not yet been achieved. We aim to excite the nuclear transition in 229Th3+ ions, sympathetically cooled with Ca+ in a Paul trap, and detect it via a double-resonance scheme, where nuclear spin changes affect electronic levels through hyperfine interaction. Progress towards setting up the Paul trap and laser systems to probe the Th3+ electronic shell, along with future precision measurement possibilities for the octupole moment of the ground and isomeric states, will be presented.
This work is supported by the DFG Project ’TACTICa’ (grant no. 495729045) and the BMBF Quantum Futur II Grant Project ’NuQuant’ (FKZ 13N16295A).
Keywords: Th-229; Nuclear Clock; Paul Trap; Sympathetic Cooling; Hyperfine Spectroscopy