14:00 |
Q 27.1 |
Symmetry breaking and non-ergodicity in a driven-dissipative ensemble of multilevel atoms in a cavity — •Enrique Hernandez, Elmer Surez, Igor Lesanovsky, Beatriz Olmos, and Philippe Courteille
14:00 |
Q 27.2 |
Advanced Interferometer Techniques for Measuring Near-Resonant Light Shifts and Superresolving Trapped-Ion Dynamics — •Frederike Doerr, Florian Hasse, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
14:00 |
Q 27.3 |
Strongly Correlated Fermions with Cavity-mediated Long-range Interactions — •Renan da Silva Souza, Youjiang Xu, and Walter Hofstetter
14:00 |
Q 27.4 |
Stabilizing and controlling linear spin quantum systems based on trapped ions — •Andreas Weber, Florian Hasse, Frederike Doerr, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
14:00 |
Q 27.5 |
Dark energy search using atom interferometry in the Einstein-Elevator — •Magdalena Misslisch, Sukhjovan Singh Gill, Charles Garcion, Alexander Heidt, Ioannis Papadakis, Vladimir Schkolnik, Sheng-wey Chiow, Nan Yu, Christoph Lotz, and Ernst Maria Rasel
14:00 |
Q 27.6 |
Quantum bubbles in the Einstein-Elevator facility at Leibniz University Hannover — •Charles Garcion, Thimothé Estrampes, Gabriel Müller, Sukhjovan S. Gill, Magdalena Misslisch, Éric Charron, Christoph Lotz, Jean-Baptiste Gérent, Nathan Lundblad, Ernst M. Rasel, and Naceur Gaaloul
14:00 |
Q 27.7 |
QRydDemo - Architecture for Dynamic Tweezer Arrays — •Julia Hickl, Christopher Bounds, Manuel Morgado, Govind Unnikrishnan, Achim Scholz, Jiachen Zhao, Sebastian Weber, Hans-Peter Büchler, Simone Montangero, Jürgen Stuhler, Tilman Pfau, and Florian Meinert
14:00 |
Q 27.8 |
Towards Local Single- and Two-Qubit Control in a Neutral Atom Quantum Computer — •Achim Scholz, Christopher Bounds, Christian Hölzl, Manuel Morgado, Govind Unnikrishnan, Jiachen Zhao, Julia Hickl, Sebastian Weber, Hans-Peter Büchler, Simone Montangero, Jürgen Stuhler, Tilman Pfau, and Florian Meinert
14:00 |
Q 27.9 |
Excitation spectrum of a double supersolid in a trapped dipolar Bose mixture — Daniel Scheiermann, •Albert Gallemi, and Luis Santos
14:00 |
Q 27.10 |
Bayesian Thermometry with Single-Atom Quantum Probes for Ultracold Gases — •Julian Feß, Sabrina Burgardt, Silvia Hiebel, and Artur Widera
14:00 |
Q 27.11 |
Transport of single atoms through an ultracold bath in an accelerated optical lattice — •Silvia Hiebel, Julian Feß, Sabrina Burgardt, and Artur Widera
14:00 |
Q 27.12 |
Characterization of a coincidence detection unit for ultracold quantum gases combining electron velocity-map-imaging and ion microscopy — Julian Fiedler, Jette Heyer, Mario Großmann, •Lasse Paulsen, Marlon Hoffmann, Klaus Sengstock, Markus Drescher, Philipp Wessels-Staarmann, and Juliette Simonet
14:00 |
Q 27.13 |
A strontium quantum-gas microscope for Bose and Fermi Hubbard systems — Carlos Gas, Sandra Buob, Jonatan Höshele, •Antonio Rubio-Abadal, and Leticia Tarruell
14:00 |
Q 27.14 |
Quantum Manipulation of Optically Trapped Ions — •Wei Wu, Igor Zhuravlev, Rick Bevers, and Tobias Schaetz
14:00 |
Q 27.15 |
2D matter wave array for gyroscopy — •Daida Thomas, Knut Stolzenberg, Sebastian Bode, Alexander Herbst, Wei Liu, Ernst M Rasel, Naceur Gaaloul, and Dennis Schlippert
14:00 |
Q 27.16 |
An Atomtronic Toolbox for Josephson Physics — •Florian Binoth, Erik Bernhart, Marvin Röhrle, Leon Scherne, Monika Mayer, Vijay Pal Singh, Ludwig Mathey, Luigi Amico, and Herwig Ott
14:00 |
Q 27.17 |
A UV laser setup for neutral atom based quantum computation. — •Tobias Pätkau, Jonas Gutsche, Jens Nettersheim, Suthep Pomjaksilp, Jonas Witzenrath, Niclas Luick, Dieter Jaksch, Henning Moritz, Thomas Niederprüm, Herwig Ott, Peter Schmelcher, Klaus Sengstock, and Artur Widera
14:00 |
Q 27.18 |
Rymax one: A neutral atom quantum processor to solve optimization problems — •Silvia Ferrante, Jonas Witzenrath, Benjamin Abeln, Tobias Ebert, Kapil Goswami, Jonas Gutsche, Hauke Biss, Hendrik Koser, Rick Mukherjee, Jens Nettersheim, Martin Schlederer, Suthep Pomjaksilp, José Vargas, Niclas Luick, Thomas Niederprüm, Dieter Jaksch, Henning Moritz, Herwig Ott, Peter Schmelcher, Klaus Sengstock, and Artur Widera
14:00 |
Q 27.19 |
Long-lived and trapped Circular Rydberg states of alkaline-earth atoms at room temperature — •Einius Pultinevicius, Aaron Götzelmann, Armin Humic, Moritz Berngruber, Christian Hölzl, and Florian Meinert
14:00 |
Q 27.20 |
Atom-ion Feshbach resonances within a spin-mixed atomic bath — •Jonathan Grieshaber, Joachim Siemund, Fabian Thielemann, Kilian Berger, Wei Wu, Krzysztof Jachymski, and Tobias Schätz
14:00 |
Q 27.21 |
ATOMIQ: A block based, highly flexible and user friendly extension for ARTIQ — •Christian Hölzl, Suthep Pomjaksilp, Thomas Niederprüm, and Florian Meinert
14:00 |
Q 27.22 |
Stroboscopic Measurement Techniques to Observe Cyclic Dynamics Showcased in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator — •Florian Hasse, Frederike Doerr, Andreas Weber, Deviprasath Palani, Apurba Das, Tobias Spanke, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
14:00 |
Q 27.23 |
Modeling thermodynamic and dynamic properties of Bose-Einstein condensate bubbles in microgravity — •Brendan Rhyno, Timothé Estrampes, Gabriel Müller, Charles Garcion, Eric Charron, Jean-Baptiste Gerent, Nathan Lundblad, Smitha Vishveshwara, and Naceur Gaaloul
14:00 |
Q 27.24 |
Exploring atom-ion Feshbach resonances below the s-wave limit — •Kilian Berger, Joachim Siemund, Fabian Thielemann, Jonathan Grieshaber, Daniel von Schönfeld, Wei Wu, Pascal Weckesser, Krzysztof Jachymski, Thomas Walker, and Tobias Schätz
14:00 |
Q 27.25 |
A High-Resolution Ion Microscope to Spatially Observe Ion-Rydberg Interactions — •Jennifer Krauter, Viraatt Anasuri, Óscar Andrey Herrera-Sancho, Moritz Berngruber, Florian Meinert, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
14:00 |
Q 27.26 |
Microwave-Optical Four-Photon Lattice for Ultracold Rubidium Atoms — •Stefanie Moll, Patrick Haas, and Martin Weitz
14:00 |
Q 27.27 |
Improved Power Efficiency in Wide-Range Frequency Tuning with a Combined Single-/Double-Pass AOM System — •Luca Leon Granert, Silvia Hiebel, Sabrina Burgardt, Julian Feß, and Artur Widera
14:00 |
Q 27.28 |
Ultracold strontium quantum simulator for studying open quantum systems — •Jan Geiger, Felix Spriestersbach, Valentin Klüsener, Immanuel Bloch, and Sebastian Blatt
14:00 |
Q 27.29 |
Interplay of topology and disorder in driven honeycomb lattices — Alexander Hesse, Johannes Arceri, •Moritz Hornung, Christoph Braun, and Monika Aidelsburger
14:00 |
Q 27.30 |
Quantum phase slips and transport in one-dimensional supersolids — •Alicia Biselli, Chris Bühler, and Hans Peter Büchler
14:00 |
Q 27.31 |
Development of a spin and density-resolved Strontium quantum gas microscope — Thies Plaßmann, Meny Menashes, •Leon Schäfer, and Guillaume Salomon
14:00 |
Q 27.32 |
The Digital Micromirror Device for the creation of arbitrary optical potentials in ultracold quantum gas experiments — •Louisa Marie Kienesberger, Alexander Guthmann, Felix Lang, Krishnan Sundararajan, and Artur Widera
14:00 |
Q 27.33 |
Progress toward a Lithium-based quantum gas microscope — Ruijia Li and •Timon Hilker
14:00 |
Q 27.34 |
Towards the observation of collective radiance phenomena in a 1D-array of waveguide-coupled atoms — •Hector Letellier, Lucas Pache, Martin Cordier, Max Schemmer, Philipp Schneeweiss, Jürgen Volz, and Arno Rauschenbeutel