Bonn 2025 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 32: Atom & Ion Clocks and Metrology II
Mittwoch, 12. März 2025, 11:00–13:00, HS Botanik
11:00 |
Q 32.1 |
Exploring fundamental constants with high-precision spectroscopy of molecular hydrogen ions — •Soroosh Alighanbari, Magnus R. Schenkel, and Stephan Schiller
11:30 |
Q 32.2 |
Ramsey-Bordé atom interferometry with a thermal strontium beam for a compact optical clock — •Oliver Fartmann, Marc Christ, Amir Mahdian, Vladimir Schkolnik, Ingmari C. Tietje, Levi Wihan, and Markus Krutzik
11:45 |
Q 32.3 |
High precision test of the equivalence of active, passive, and gravitating mass — •Claus Lämmerzahl and Eva Hackmann
12:00 |
Q 32.4 |
Towards Miniaturized Spaceborne Rubidium Two-Photon Frequency References — •Daniel Emanuel Kohl, Julien Kluge, Moritz Eisebitt, Janice Wollenberg, Klaus Döringshoff, and Markus Krutzik
12:15 |
Q 32.5 |
Ultracold mercury as a probe for physics beyond the standard model — •Sascha Heider, Thorsten Groh, and Simon Stellmer
12:30 |
Q 32.6 |
Entanglement dynamics of photon pairs and quantum memories in the gravitational field of the earth — Roy Barzel, Mustafa Gündoğan, Markus Krutzik, •Dennis Rätzel, and Claus Lämmerzahl
12:45 |
Q 32.7 |
Scenario Building of a Quantum Space Gravimetry Mission for Earth Observation — •Gina Kleinsteinberg, Christian Struckmann, and Naceur Gaaloul