
Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 48: Poster – Quantum Optics, Technologies, and Optomechanics

Mittwoch, 12. März 2025, 17:00–19:00, Tent

17:00 Q 48.1 Spatial photon correlations using nearly dead time free ultra-high throughput single photon detectionVerena Leopold, Sebastian Karl, Jean-Pierre Rivet, Stefan Richter, •Iurii Datii, and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 Q 48.2 Multiplexing Color Centers in Silicon Carbide for Quantum Networks — •Sushree Swateeprajnya Behera, NienHsuan Lee, Jonah Heiler, Jonas Schmid, Leonard K.S. Zimmermann, Flavie Davidson-Marquis, Stephan Kucera, and Florian Kaiser
17:00 Q 48.3 Custom Shack-Hartmann Sensor for Stellar Intensity Interferometry — •aleena nedunilath thomas, verena leopold, sebastine karl, and joachim von zanthier
17:00 Q 48.4 Towards spatial magnetic field mapping with electrodynamically trapped NV center diamonds for quantum technology applications at ambient conditions — •Apurba Das, Deviprasath Palani, Florian Hasse, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
17:00 Q 48.5 Experiments towards strong coupling in an atom-optomechanical hybrid system — •Felix Klein, Jakob Butlewski, Alexander Schwarz, Klaus Sengstock, Roland Wiesendanger, and Christoph Becker
17:00 Q 48.6 Remote sensing using an auxiliary quantum system — •Manuel Bojer, Jörg Evers, and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 Q 48.7 Identifying error sources of dipole-dipole coupling mediated two-qubit gates between NV-centers in diamond — •Florian Ferlemann, Timo Joas, Roberto Sailer, Philipp Vetter, Genko Genov, Fedor Jelezko, Ressa Said, Tommaso Calarco, and Matthias Müller
17:00 Q 48.8 Pure single-photon generation using pulsed SPDC in a monolithic cavity — •Xavier Barcons Planas, Helen M. Chrzanowski, Leon Messner, and Janik Wolters
17:00 Q 48.9 Click boson sampling — •Sitotaw Eshete, Torsten Meier, Polina Sharapova, and Jan Sperling
17:00 Q 48.10 3D printed microstructures for scalable coupling of SNSPDS on wafers — •Stefan Vorwerk, Johanna Biendl, Frederik Thiele, and Tim Bartley
17:00 Q 48.11 Increasing the Efficiency of Microwave Coupling to NV Centers from Microstrip Transmission Lines — •Dennis Stiegekötter, Jens Pogorzelski, Ludwig Horsthemke, Frederik Hoffmann, Ann-Sophie Bülter, Markus Gregor, and Peter Glösekötter
17:00 Q 48.12 Dynamics of optically levitated nanoparticle arrays — •Artur Bichs, Uroš Delić, and Benjamin A. Stickler
17:00 Q 48.13 Developing a database for UHV and XUHV suitable materials for use in quantum technologies — •Vanessa Galbierz, Pascal Engelhardt, Simone Callegari, Constantin Nauk, Benjamin Kraus, and Piet Schmidt
17:00 Q 48.14 SPDC photon pair source for Quantum Random Walk Application on an integrated quantum photonic processor — •Christoph Engelberg, Jonas Philipps, Evelyn Kimmerle, and Florian Elsen
17:00 Q 48.15 Efficient Method for Selectively Loading Dielectric Nanoparticles onto Optical Tweezers in a Vacuum — •Luana Rubino, Zijie Sheng, Seyed Khalil Alavi, Moosung Lee, and Sungkun Hong
17:00 Q 48.16 Evolution of correlations in superfluorescent bursts — •Yoan Spahn, Thomas Halfmann, and Thorsten Peters
17:00 Q 48.17 Design of a decorrelated PDC source at telecom wavelenghts in TFLN waveguides — •Ernst-Lukas Kuhlmann, Silia Babel, Laura Bollmers, Werner Ridder, Christian Golla, Sebastian Lengeling, Christof Eigner, Laura Padberg, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 Q 48.18 Mølmer-Sørensen Gates Robust to AC Shifts — •Erin Feldkemper and Klemens Hammerer
17:00 Q 48.19 Zerovak: Compact and portable vacuum and laser system technology for cold atom experiments — •Nora Bidzinski, Bojan Hansen, David Latorre Bastidas, André Wenzlawski, Patrick Windpassinger, Ortwin Hellmig, and Klaus Sengstock
17:00 Q 48.20 Towards standardized characterization of ion traps for industry and research — •Martin Hesse, Jan Kiethe, André Kulosa, Max Glantschnig, Christian Flasch, Nicolas Spethmann, and Martin Hesse
17:00 Q 48.21 Prototype Cell Design for NV Based Current Monitoring of Zinc-Air Batteries — •Ghulam Raza, Juan Manuel Alvarez Cisneros, Jonas Homrighausen, Jan-Ole Thranow, Felix Winters, Peter Glösekötter, and Markus Gregor
17:00 Q 48.22 Simultaneous Three Component Magnetometry Using NV Centers for Applications in Power Distribution Networks — •Frederik Hoffmann, Ann-Sophie Bülter, Ludwig Horsthemke, Jens Pogorzelski, Markus Gregor, and Peter Glösekötter
17:00 Q 48.23 An economic cryostat for quantum optical experiments — •Max Masuhr, Hazem Hajjar, Bo Deng, Babak Behjati, Kathrin Schumacher, and Daqing Wang
17:00 Q 48.24 Feedback cooling of levitated nanoparticles based on single photon detection — •Luis Kunkel Garcia, Henning Rudolph, and Klaus Hornberger
17:00 Q 48.25 Investigation of the role of pump noise on the generation of nonclassical light from optical parametric oscillators — •Sopio Bregadze, Roger A. Kögler, and Oliver Benson
17:00 Q 48.26 Fiber-Cavity Enhanced Photon Emission from Defect Centers in hBN — •Manuel Stetter, Patrick Maier, and Alexander Kubanek
17:00 Q 48.27 Cavity enhanced free-electron-photon coupling in the recoil regime — •Nils Bode, Zhexin Zhao, Julian Litzel, Tomáš Chlouba, Manuel Konrad, and Peter Hommelhoff
17:00 Q 48.28 Exploiting NV Center Spin Dynamics for Low-Temperature All-Optical Thermometry — •Jonas Homrighausen, Matthias Hollmann, Ludwig Horsthemke, Peter Glösekötter, and Markus Gregor
17:00 Q 48.29 Towards video-rate vector magnetometry based on polarimetric optically detected magnetic resonance — •Tofianme Sorgwe, Philipp Reuschel, Florian Sledz, Mario Agio, and Assegid Flatae
17:00 Q 48.30 Quantum interference in a Ti:LiNbO3 waveguide device as a tool for spectral shaping — •Jonas Babai-Hemati, Kai Hong Luo, Patrick Folge, Sebastian Lengeling, Philipp Mues, Harald Herrmann, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 Q 48.31 Desorption-induced decoherence of nanoparticle motion — •Jonas Schäfer, Benjamin A. Stickler, and Klaus Hornberger
17:00 Q 48.32 Robust and miniaturized Zerodur based vacuum systems for quantum sensing applications — •David Latorre Bastidas, Sören Boles-Herresthal, Nora Bidzinski, Bojan Hansen, André Wenzlawski, Ortwin Hellmig, Klaus Sengstock, and Patrick Windpassinger
17:00 Q 48.33 Realization of adaptive poling in thin-film lithium niobate waveguides — •Tobias Babai-Hemati, Laura Bollmers, Michael Rüsing, Laura Padberg, and Christine Silberhorn
17:00 Q 48.34 Loss Analysis of a Massively Multiplexed Superconducting Nanowire Photon-Number-Resolving Detector — •Isabell Mischke, Timon Schapeler, Fabian Schlue, Michael Stefszky, Benjamin Brecht, Christine Silberhorn, and Tim J. Bartley
17:00 Q 48.35 Using a Microfabrication Platform for Direct Laser Writing of NV-Centers and Optical Interfacing on Diamond — •Marina Peters, Jonas Homrighausen, Ghulam Raza, Peter Glösekötter, and Markus Gregor
17:00 Q 48.36 Manufacture high-finesse fiber Fabry-Perot cavities for quantum information processing — •Johannes Berger, Matthias Michalek, Constantin Grave, Isabelle Safa, Marvin Holten, and Julian Leonard
17:00 Q 48.37 Design and characterization of a laser system for air-borne gravimetry — •Alisa Ukhanova, Julia Pahl, Markus Krutzik, and the AeroQGrav team
17:00 Q 48.38 Industrial clock laser system for quantum applications with fractional frequency instability below 6E-16 at 1 s — •Dewni Pathegama, Filippo Bregolin, and Florian Schäfer
17:00 Q 48.39 Higher-order photon correlations with trapped ion crystals — •Zyad Shehata, Benjamin Zenz, Ansgar Schaefer, Maurizio Verde, Stefan Richter, Joachim von Zanthier, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
17:00 Q 48.40 Coherent Control of NV Centers Utilizing the Red Pitaya Platform — •Matthias Hollmann, Jonas Homrighausen, Naja Livia Bruczyk, Peter Glösekötter, and Markus Gregor
17:00 Q 48.41 Recent Advances in Low-Cost 3D Printed Experiment Kits for Quantum Education — •Leon Sievert, Marina Peters, Dennis Stiegekötter, Jonas Homrighausen, Nils Haverkamp, Peter Glösekötter, Stefan Heusler, and Markus Gregor
17:00 Q 48.42 Simple Rate Equation Model to Simulate the Fluorescence Lifetime of NV Ensembles in Microdiamond Powder — •Glen Neiteler, Ludwig Horsthemke, Naja Livia Burczyk, Sarah Kirschke, Peter Glösekötter, and Markus Gregor
17:00 Q 48.43 Towards Electrode-integrated Fiber Cavities for Ion Trapping and Quantum Computation — •Tuncay Ulas, Luca Graf, Lasse Irrgang, and Ralf Riedinger
17:00 Q 48.44 Adhesive- Mounted Optics for Relaxometry with NV- centers in Nanodiamonds for Biomedical Applications — •Ann Maria Tom, Marina Peters, Peter Glösekötter, and Markus Gregor
17:00 Q 48.45 Towards quantum mirrors based on 2D subwavelength atomic arrays — •Julian Lyne, Nico Baßler, Kai Phillip Schmidt, and Claudiu Genes
17:00 Q 48.46 Temporal-to-spatial mode demultiplexing of single photons for quantum information processing — •Fuad Raed Jubran Haddad, Xavi Barcons Planas, and Janik Wolters
17:00 Q 48.47 High-fidelity Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage — •Julian Dimitrov and Nikolay Vitanov
17:00 Q 48.48 Hanbury Brown-Twiss interference of electrons in free space — •Florian Fleischmann, Mona Bukenberger, Raul Corrêa, Anton Classen, Simon Semmler, Marc-Oliver Pleinert, and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 Q 48.49 Spin Control of Silicon-Vacancy Centers in Nanodiamonds — •David Opferkuch, Andreas Tangemann, Marco Klotz, and Alexander Kubanek
17:00 Q 48.50 Separation of Rubidium Isotopes for Atomic Vapor Cell Production — •Timon Damböck, Robert Löw, and Ilja Gerhardt
17:00 Q 48.51 Emission statistics and strong-field energy spectra for electron photoemission from nanometric needle tips using non-classical light — •Jonathan Pölloth, Jonas Heimerl, Andrei Rasputnyi, Stefan Meier, Maria Chekhova, and Peter Hommelhoff
17:00 Q 48.52 Towards spatial demultiplexed feedforward of photon number states — •Niklas Schröder, Frederik Thiele, Niklas Lamberty, Thomas Hummel, Sebastian Lengeling, Christof Eigner, Christine Silberhorn, and Tim Bartley
17:00 Q 48.53 Optical setup for co-trapping Yb+ and Ba+ ions in a cryogenic trapped-ion quantum computer — •Ernst Alfred Hackler, Daniel Busch, Patrick Huber, Dorna Niroomand, and Christof Wunderlich
17:00 Q 48.54 Experimental set up for Trapped-Ion Experiments Using a Microfabricated Surface Paul Trap — •Radhika Goyal, Tobias Pootz, David Stuhrmann, Celeste Torkzaban, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 Q 48.55 Miniaturizing optical resonators: Fiber-based Fabry-Perot cavities. — •Usman Adil, Franziska Haslinger, Michael Förg, Thomas Hümmer, Jonathan Noé, and Manuel Nutz
17:00 Q 48.56 Investigating Autofluorescence in Optical Fibers — •Alexander Bukschat, Stefan Johansson, Dennis Lönard, Isabel Cardoso Barbosa, Jonas Gutsche, and Artur Widera
17:00 Q 48.57 Towards microwave-to-telecom transduction based on Erbium crystals — •Mayssane Selmani and Andreas Reiserer
17:00 Q 48.58 Advanced fiber-optic interfaces – fiber cavities and beyond — •Florian Giefer, Benedikt Beck, Daniel Stachanow, Lukas Tenbrake, Sebastian Hofferberth, and Hannes Pfeifer
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn