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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 48: Poster – Quantum Optics, Technologies, and Optomechanics
Q 48.29: Poster
Mittwoch, 12. März 2025, 17:00–19:00, Tent
Towards video-rate vector magnetometry based on polarimetric optically detected magnetic resonance — •Tofianme Sorgwe1, Philipp Reuschel1, Florian Sledz1, Mario Agio1,2, and Assegid Flatae1 — 1Laboratory of Nano-Optics, University of Siegen, 57072 Siegen, Germany — 2National Institute of Optics (INO), National Research Council (CNR), 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy
Vector magnetometry has various applications in navigation systems, precision metrology, and life sciences. Recently, optically detected magnetic resonances (ODMR) based on negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV−) color centers in diamond have been developed as a platform for magnetic sensing. However, most approaches require knowledge of the crystal axes and need an external magnetic bias field to measure the field’s orientation or they rely on the use of single NV− centers and require volumetric data sets. Here, we show vector magnetometry based on polarometric ODMR on ensembles of NV− color centers without bias field [1]. By avoiding the complex dataset, we will be able to reach fast data acquisition, with implications for video-rate vector magnetometry.
[1] Philipp Reuschel, Mario Agio, and Assegid M. Flatae. Vector magnetometry based on polarimetric resonance. Advanced Quantum Technologies, 5 2022000777 (2022).
Keywords: NV color centers; Polarimetry; ODMR