
Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 49: Poster – Photonics, Lasers, and Applications

Mittwoch, 12. März 2025, 17:00–19:00, Tent

17:00 Q 49.1 Application of a fs-laser-written Mach-Zehnder interferometer for characterisation of hydrogels — •Johannes Schnegas, Karo Becker, Alexander Szameit, and Udo Kragl
17:00 Q 49.2 Towards enhanced homodyne detection with a squeezed local oscillator — •Aishi Barua, Lorenzo M. Procopio, Laura Ares, Jan Sperling, and Tim J. Bartley
17:00 Q 49.3 Noise cancelling in solid-state lasers — •Thomas Konrad, Tobias Steinle, Roman Bek, Michael Scharwaechter, Matthias Seibold, Andy Steinmann, and Harald Giessen
17:00 Q 49.4 Optical design and tolerance analysis of additively manufactured optical interfaces for spin qubits — •Lucas Kirchbach and Andreas Stute
17:00 Q 49.5 Towards photonic interference with VV centres on industrial-compatible SIC-OI chips — •NienHsuan Lee, Sushree Swateeprajnya Behera, Jonas Schmid, Leonard Zimmermann, Jonah Heiler, Flavie D. Marquis, Stephan Kucera, and Florian Kaiser
17:00 Q 49.6 Metasurfaces Meet Multicore Fibers: A Platform for Generating Complex States of Light. — •Rahaf Ismail and Markus A. Schmidt
17:00 Q 49.7 Optimized Fabry-Perot Resonators for strong coupling between excitons in Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskite to cavity photons — •Prabhdeep Singh, Maximilian Black, Sara Darbari, and Nahid Talebi
17:00 Q 49.8 The photoluminescence of transparent glass-ceramics based on ZnO nanocrystals Co-doped with Lanthanide elements Eu3+, Yb3+ ions. — •Moursi Abu Bieh and Grigory Arzumanyan
17:00 Q 49.9 Exciton-Plasmon Coupling at the Borophene/ZnO Interfaces Unraveled by Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy — •Bharti Garg, Masoud Taleb, Yaser Abdi, and Nahid Talebi
17:00 Q 49.10 Transport, alignment and focusing of a VUV laser beam for nuclear laser excitation of a single 229Th ion — •Tamila Teschler, Georg Holthoff, Daniel Moritz, Kevin Scharl, Markus Wiesinger, Stephan Wissenberg, and Peter G. Thirolf
17:00 Q 49.11 Towards Accurate Group Index Measurement in Lithium Niobate Waveguide Resonator — •Stefan Kazmaier and Kaisa Laiho
17:00 Q 49.12 Tunable Pulsed UV-Laser System for Laser Cooling of Highly Charged Bunched Ion Beams Employing Walk-Off Compensation — •Tamina Grunwitz, Benedikt Langfeld, and Thomas Walther
17:00 Q 49.13 Towards coherent dipole-dipole coupling: cryogenic single molecule spectroscopy of DBATT dimers — •Tim Hebenstreit, Siwei Luo, Michael Becker, Alexey Shkarin, Aleksandr Oshchepkov, Konstantin Amsharov, Jan Renger, Tobias Utikal, Vahid Sandoghdar, and Stephan Götzinger
17:00 Q 49.14 Label-free single nanoparticle sensing with a high-finesse microcavity — •Shalom Palkhivala, Larissa Kohler, and David Hunger
17:00 Q 49.15 Quantum photonics using color centers in a diamond membrane coupled to a photonic structure — •Surena Fatemi, Jan Fait, Roy Konnoth Ancel, Aurelie Broussier, Philipp Fuchs, Christophe Couteau, and Christoph Becher
17:00 Q 49.16 Floquet Topological Engineering in Graphene: Towards Ultrafast Device Control — •Selina Nöcker, Daniel Lesko, Weizhe Li, and Peter Hommelhoff
17:00 Q 49.17 Probing quantum non-reversability in photonic waveguide systems — •Bashar Karaja, Nico Fink, Viviane Bauer, James Anglin, and Christina Jörg
17:00 Q 49.18 Nonlinear Spectroscopy of CdTeSe/ZnS Quantum Dots in a Single-Photon Fluorescence-Microscopy Setup — •Raphael Wichary and Tobias Brixner
17:00 Q 49.19 Using Rh6G as sensitizer in commercial photoresins for two-step-absorption lithography — •Sabrina Hammel, Georg von Freymann, and Christina Jörg
17:00 Q 49.20 Observation of the Spin Hall Effect of Light in Confocal Microscopy — •Anton Lögl, Wenze Lan, Meryem Benelajla, Clemens Schäfermeier, Khaled Karrai, and Bernhard Urbaszek
17:00 Q 49.21 Tunable Focusing Metalens on a Fiber with Two Cores — •Jun Sun, Malte Plidschun, Jisoo Kim, Torsten Wieduwilt, and Markus A. Schmidt
17:00 Q 49.22 Cryogenic spectroscopy of single molecules in the blue wavelength region — •Tianyu Fang, Ricardo Alvarez, Babak Behjati, Max Masuhr, Bo Deng, Delia Siedenberg, Kathrin Schumacher, and Daqing Wang
17:00 Q 49.23 Limits for coherent optical control of quantum emitters in hexagonal Boron Nitride — •Alexander Pachl, Michael K. Koch, Vibhav Bharadwaj, and Alexander Kubanek
17:00 Q 49.24 Tunable cw UV Laser for Cooling of Relativistic Bunched Ion Beams — •Florian Stein, Jens Gumm, Denise Schwarz, and Thomas Walther
17:00 Q 49.25 Frequency Response of Surface Bragg Gratings for Monolithic Extended Cavity Diode Lasers — •Sten Wenzel, Olaf Brox, Jörg Fricke, Igor Nechepurenko, and Andreas Wicht
17:00 Q 49.26 SiV centers in nanodiamonds for quantum networks — •Kathrin Schwer, Marco Klotz, Andreas Tangemann, David Opferkuch, Viatcheslav Agafonov, and Alexander Kubanek
17:00 Q 49.27 Fiber-Interfaced Hollow-Core Light Cage: A Novel Lab-on-Fiber Platform — •Wenqin Huang, Diana Pereira, Jun Sun, Matthias Zeisberger, and Markus A. Schmidt
17:00 Q 49.28 Quantum lattice solitons in a two-dimensional Harper-Hofstadter model — •Hugo Gerlitz, Julius Bohm, and Michael Fleischhauer
17:00 Q 49.29 Chiral Landau Levels and Fermi-Arcs of Weyl Points under Pseudomagnetic FieldsSachin Vaidya, •Alaa Bazayeed, Mikael Rechtsman, Adolfo Grushin, Marin Soljačić, and Christina Jörg
17:00 Q 49.30 Thin disk single frequency Ruby laser for metrology — •Sönke Metelmann, Luca Diedrich, Thomas Müller-Wirts, Carsten Reinhardt, Walter Luhs, and Bernd Wellegehausen
17:00 Q 49.31 Studying the transport of optical modes carrying OAM in coupled waveguides — •Max Weber, Julian Schulz, Christina Jörg, and Georg von Freymann
17:00 Q 49.32 Deterministic positioning of nanocrystals in polymer waveguides with direct-laser-writing — •Thomas Utz, Artur Widera, and Georg von Freymann
17:00 Q 49.33 Status of Laser Cooling at the FAIR SIS100 — •Denise Schwarz, Jens Gumm, Benedikt Langfeld, Tamina Grunwitz, Danyal Winters, Sebastian Klammes, and Thomas Walther
17:00 Q 49.34 Examination of structures in transparent materials using scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) — •Cornelia Bauer, Max Steudel, Max-Jonathan Kleefoot, Sebastian Funken, and Anne Harth
17:00 Q 49.35 An Interface Concept for Ion Quantum Computer: Fiber-Based Cavities for Enhanced Optical Connection — •Luca Graf, Lasse Irrgang, Tuncay Ulas, and Ralf Riedinger
17:00 Q 49.36 Implementation of a laser system for alkali vapor MEMS cell activation — •Janice Wollenberg, Julien Kluge, Daniel Emanuel Kohl, Andreas Thies, Klaus Döringshoff, and Markus Krutzik
17:00 Q 49.37 Collective Driving of Many-Photon Quantum States — •Gabriela Carla Silva Militani, Moritz Kaiser, René Schwarz, Ria Krämer, Stefan Nolte, Philip Poole, Dan Dalacu, Gregor Weihs, and Vikas Remesh
17:00 Q 49.38 Violating the thermodynamic uncertainty relation in the three-level laser — •Sander Stammbach
17:00 Q 49.39 Coherent Control in Size Selected Semiconductor Quantum Dot Thin Films — •Victor Kärcher, Tobias Reiker, Pedro F. M. G. da Costa, Andrea S. S. de Camargo, and Helmut Zacharias
17:00 Q 49.40 Towards three-dimensional confinement of the electron beam inside dielectric laser accelerators — •Manuel Konrad, Stefanie Kraus, Leon Brückner, Julian Litzel, Zhexin Zhao, Tomas Chlouba, Roy Shiloh, and Peter Hommelhoff
17:00 Q 49.41 Coherent Optical Control of Semiconductor Quantum Dots — •Charlie Evagora, Rene Schwarz, Saimon da Silva, Armando Rastelli, Doris Reiter, Vikas Remesh, and Gregor Weihs
17:00 Q 49.42 Integrated Photonic Quantum Walks for Universal Computation — •Lasse Wendland, Florian Huber, Benedikt Braumandl, and Jasmin Meinecke
17:00 Q 49.43 Investigation of the valence electronic structure and dynamics of nanostructured materials via high-order harmonic generationAgata Azzolin, •Noah Tettenborn, Sani Harouna-Mayer, Oliviero Cannelli, Yogesh Mahor, Francesco Caddeo, Andrea Trabattoni, Terry Mullins, Vincent Wanie, Dorota Koziej, and Francesca Calegari
  17:00 Q 49.44 The contribution has been moved to Q 25.66.
17:00 Q 49.45 Quantum Sensing with Nanodiamonds — •Zeeshan Nawaz Khan, Wanrong Li, Mike Johannes, Oliver Benson, and Masazumi Fujiwara
17:00 Q 49.46 3D Nanoprinted Polarization Optics Directly on Optical Fibers — •Tim Stechel and Markus A. Schmidt
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn