Bonn 2025 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 50: Ultracold Matter (Fermions) I (joint session Q/A)
Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 11:00–12:45, HS V
11:00 |
Q 50.1 |
Erbium-Lithium: towards a new quantum mixture experiment — Alexandre De Martino, Kiesel Florian, Karpov Kirill, •Jonas Auch, and Christian Groß
11:15 |
Q 50.2 |
Spectral structure and dynamics of partially distinguishable fermions on a lattice — •Caroline Stier, Edoardo Carnio, Gabriel Dufour, and Andreas Buchleitner
11:30 |
Q 50.3 |
Building a programmable quantum gas microscope — •Isabelle Safa, Sarah Waddington, Tom Schubert, Rodrigo Rosa-Medina, and Julian Leonard
11:45 |
Q 50.4 |
A versatile Quantum Gas Platform - Heidelberg Quantum Architecture — •Tobias Hammel, Maximilian Kaiser, Daniel Dux, Matthias Weidemüller, and Selim Jochim
12:00 |
Q 50.5 |
Fate of the Higgs mode in confined fermionic superfluids — •René Henke, Cesar R. Cabrera, Hauke Biss, Lukas Broers, Jim Skulte, Hector Pablo Ojeda Collado, Ludwig Mathey, and Henning Moritz
12:15 |
Q 50.6 |
Quantum Computation with fermionic Li-6 atoms in optical lattices — •Johannes Obermeyer, Petar Bojović, Si Wang, Marnix Barendregt, Dorothee Tell, Immanuel Bloch, Titus Franz, and Timon Hilker
12:30 |
Q 50.7 |
Exploring Integer and Fractional Quantum Hall states with six rapidly rotating Fermions — •Paul Hill, Johannes Reiter, Jonas Drotleff, Philipp Lunt, Maciej Galka, and Selim Jochim