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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 51: Quantum Computing and Simulation I (joint session Q/QI)
Q 51.2: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 11:15–11:30, AP-HS
Photonic Qubit Phase Gate with 1D Scattering from an Array of Two-Level Emitters — •Evangelos Varvelis and Joachim Ankerhold — Institute for complex quantum systems, University of Ulm
Photonic quantum computing offers a promising platform for quantum information processing, benefiting from the long coherence times of photons and their ease of manipulation. This paper presents a scheme for implementing a deterministic phase gate for dual-rail number encoded photonic qubits, leveraging a 1D slot waveguide filled two-level emitters (TLE). This system allows dynamic control of nonlinearity at the few-photon level. Using a transfer matrix approach, we develop a protocol for phase gate operation, demonstrating its robustness against non-waveguide mode coupling and disorder. Finally, we will relax the idealized assumption of monochromatic light in favor of finite bandwidth pulses. Despite these realistic considerations, our results indicate high fidelity for the proposed phase gate protocol.
Keywords: Photonic Qubits; Frequency Encoding; Quantum Gates; Atomic Vapors; Quantum Information