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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik
Q 62: Poster – Quantum Information Technologies (joint session Q/QI)
Q 62.14: Poster
Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 17:00–19:00, Tent
Nanophotonic Quantum Network Nodes - Imaging of cryogenic Nanophotonics — •Leonie Eggers1,2, Timo Eikelmann1, Donika Imeri1,2, Caius Niemann1, Konstantin Beck1, Rikhav Shah1, Mara Brinkmann1, Lasse Irrgang1, Nick Brinkmann1,2, Sunil Mahato1,2, and Ralf Riedinger1,2 — 1Zentrum für Optische Quantentechnologien, Universität Hamburg, 22761 Hamburg — 2The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging, 22761 Hamburg, Germany
Silicon vacancies (SiV) in diamond combined with nanophotonic cavities are a promising platform for network-based quantum solid-state processors, due to their optically addressable spin transition and high noise tolerance. Paired with a fiber network this can enable efficient long-distance quantum communication and a modular approach to building larger quantum processors.
As temperature below 300 mK are needed for the SiV to have long-lived spin degrees of freedom, we show a high- resolution confocal imaging system that can image the nanophotonics on the diamond samples inside a cryostat. This improves our ability to couple optical fibers to the nanophotonics in-situ while operating the cryostat, enabling our research on building nanophotonic quantum network.
Keywords: Silicon Vacancy Center; Imaging; Nanophotonic Structure; Quantum Communication