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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 62: Poster – Quantum Information Technologies (joint session Q/QI)

Q 62.43: Poster

Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 17:00–19:00, Tent

A cryogenic apparatus for scalable quantum computation with surface ion traps — •Marco Schmauser1, Marco Valentini1, Michael Pasquini1, Jakob Wahl1,2, Eric Kopp1, Philipp Schindler1, Thomas Monz1, and Rainer Blatt11Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria — 2Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Villach, Austria

Trapped-ion quantum systems are promising candidates for future quantum computing applications. Current trapped ion quantum computing systems in the quantum optics group in Innsbruck are built on a macroscopic linear trap and thus are limited to a maximal number of about 20 ions. Microfabricated surface traps are a popular approach to achieve scalability since they allow for a modular design in which one quantum computing processor consists of many microtraps. We built a cryogenic apparatus to realize fast testing and characterization of such microfabricated traps. The cryostat cools down the trap to a temperature of around 5K within several hours which allows the integration of superconducting materials, for example in the context of superconducting photon detectors, into the trap. Additionally, the integration of the trap via a standardized socket significantly reduces the time to exchange the chips. The setup features 100 DC electrodes and 6 RF electrodes with two independent resonators to enable axial and radial shuttling operations and 21 in-vacuum fibers for all wavelengths of 40Ca+ ions which pave the way for integrating optics into the trap chips. For our first experiments we glue a block of borofloat glass with an inscribed waveguide for 729nm light on top of a surface trap.

Keywords: Trapped ions; Cryostat; Surface traps; Quantum computation; Scalability

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn