17:00 |
Q 64.1 |
Highly Charged Heavy Ions for Quantum Logic Spectroscopy and Novel Optical Clocks — •Lukas Kau, Nadine Homburg, Zoran Andelkovic, Thomas Stöhlker, and Peter Micke
17:00 |
Q 64.2 |
Development of a CW Laser System at 185 nm — •Felix Waldherr, Jonas Gottschalk, and Simon Stellmer
17:00 |
Q 64.3 |
Precise solution of Dirac equation and the calculation of the electron bound-g-factor for H2+ molecular ion — •Ossama Kullie, Hougo D. Nogueira, and Jean-Philippe Karr
17:00 |
Q 64.4 |
Towards a Monolithic Linear Paul Trap for Cryogenic Quantum Logic Clocks — •Nadine Homburg, Lukas Kau, Stepan Kokh, Jacob Stupp, Malte Werheim, Vera Schäfer, Fabian Wolf, Piet O. Schmidt, and Peter Micke
17:00 |
Q 64.5 |
Towards X-ray Spectroscopy with sub-eV Absolute Energy Calibration up to 100 keV — •N. Buermann, A. Striebel, A. Abeln, A. Brunold, D. Kreuzberger, D. Unger, D. Hengstler, A. Reifenberger, A. Fleischmann, L. Gastaldo, and C. Enss
17:00 |
Q 64.6 |
Towards large-area 256-pixel MMC arrays for high resolution X-ray spectroscopy — •Andreas Abeln, Daniel Hengstler, Daniel Kreuzberger, Andreas Reifenberger, Andreas Fleischmann, Loredana Gastaldo, and Christian Enss
17:00 |
Q 64.7 |
Spectroscopy on the 657nm and 456nm calcium clock transitions in a heat pipe — •Andreas Reuss, David Röser, Frederick Wenger, Hans Kessler, and Simon Stellmer
17:00 |
Q 64.8 |
Excited-state magnetic properties of carbon-like calcium — •Shuying Chen, Lukas J. Spieß, Alexander Wilzewski, Malte Wehrheim, Jan Gilles, Andrey Surzhykov, Erik Benkler, Melina Filzinger, Martin Steinel, Nils Huntemann, Charles Cheung, Sergey G. Porsev, Andrey I. Bondarev, Marianna S. Safronova, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Piet O. Schmidt
17:00 |
Q 64.9 |
Addressed excitation and coherent manipulation of Rydberg states in a linear ion string — •Robin Thomm, Harry Parke, Natalia Kuk, Marion Mallweger, Vinay Shankar, Ivo Straka, and Markus Hennrich
17:00 |
Q 64.10 |
A cyclotron detector for (anti-)protons in a cryogenic Penning trap — •Yannick Priewich, Jan Schaper, Nikita Poljakov, Julia Coenders, Juan Manuel Cornejo, Stefan Ulmer, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 64.11 |
Spectroscopy of Titanium and Molecular Ions — •Maximilian J. Zawierucha, Till Rehmert, Piet O. Schmidt, and Fabian Wolf
17:00 |
Q 64.12 |
Precision X-Ray Spectroscopy of Kα transitions in He-like Uranium using Metallic Magnetic Calorimeter Detectors — •Daniel A. Müller, Philip Pfäfflein, Marc O. Herdrich, Felix M. Kröger, Michael Lestinsky, Daniel Hengstler, Andreas Fleischmann, Christian Enss, Günter Weber, and Thomas Stöhlker
17:00 |
Q 64.13 |
Construction and characterization of an atomic gas jet — •anant agarwal, lennart guth, jan-hendrik oelmann, tobias heldt, lukas matt, josé r. crespo lópez-urrutia, and thomas pfeifer
17:00 |
Q 64.14 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 64.15 |
Detection of Ultra-light Dark Matter with a Network of Cavities — •Luis Hellmich, Cigdem Issever, Ullrich Schwanke, and Steven Worm
17:00 |
Q 64.16 |
Digital Pulse Shape Analysis for Metallic-Magnetic Calorimeters (MMC) — •Johanna H. Walch, Marc O. Herdrich, Philip Pfäfflein, Günter Weber, Daniel A. Müller, Daniel Hengstler, Andreas Fleischmann, Christian Enss, and Thomas Stöhlker
17:00 |
Q 64.17 |
Recent advances at the AntiMatter-On-a-Chip (AMOC) project — •Vladimir Mikhailovskii, Natalija Sheth, Yuzhe Zhang, Hendrik Bekker, Günther Werth, Guofeng Qu, Zhiheng Xue, K. T Satyajith, Qian Yu, Neha Yadav, Hartmut Häffner, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, and Dmitry Budker
17:00 |
Q 64.18 |
Artificial clock transitions with trapped 40Ca+ ions. — •Kai Dietze, Lennart Pelzer, Ludwig Krinner, Fabian Dawel, Johannes Kramer, and Piet O. Schmidt
17:00 |
Q 64.19 |
Probing physics beyond the standard model using ultracold mercury — •Thorsten Groh, Sascha Heider, and Simon Stellmer
17:00 |
Q 64.20 |
Trapping and sympathetic cooling of Thorium ions with Calcium — •Valerii Andriushkov, Yumiao Wang, Nutan Kumari Sah, Florian Zacherl, Ke Zhang, Keerthan Subramanian, Srinivasa Pradeep Arasada, Jonas Stricker, Dennis Renisch, Lars von der Wense, Christoph E. Düllmann, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, and Dmitry Budker
17:00 |
Q 64.21 |
JAC -- A toolbox for (just) atomic computations — •Stephan Fritzsche