Bonn 2025 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 70: Nanophotonics I
Freitag, 14. März 2025, 11:00–13:00, HS I PI
11:00 |
Q 70.1 |
Exciton-Phonon Interactions at hBN/Perovskites Interfaces — •Sara Darbari, Masoud Taleb, Leon Multerer, Yaser Abdi, and Nahid Talebi
11:15 |
Q 70.2 |
Electron Beam Shaping with Ultrafast Plasmonic Rotors — •Fatemeh Chahshouri and Nahid Talebi
11:30 |
Q 70.3 |
A high-throughput characterisation setup for colour centres in SiC — •Jonah Heiler, Flavie D. Marquis, Leonard K.S. Zimmermann, Sushree Swateeprajnya Behera, Nien-Hsuan Lee, Stephan Kucera, Jonathan Körber, Raphael Wörnle, Jörg Wrachtrup, and Florian Kaiser
11:45 |
Q 70.4 |
Skyrmion Bag Robustness in Plasmonic Bilayer and Trilayer Moiré Superlattices — •Julian Schwab, Florian Mangold, Bettina Frank, Timothy J. Davis, and Harald Giessen
12:00 |
Q 70.5 |
On the Development a Room-Temperature Quantum Register based on Modified Divacancies in 4H-SiC in Luxembourg — •Flavie D. Marquis, Jonah Heiler, Leonard Zimmermann, Raphael Wörnle, Jörg Wrachtrup, Stephan Kucera, and Florian Kaiser
12:15 |
Q 70.6 |
Plasmonic colors made easy: how ultra-thin metal films make bright colors — •Manuel Gonçalves
12:30 |
Q 70.7 |
Active Physics-Informed Deep Learning: Surrogate Modeling for Non-Planar Wavefront Excitation of Topological Nanophotonic Devices — •Fatemeh Davoodi
12:45 |
Q 70.8 |
Luminescence thermometry based on photon emitters in nanophotonic silicon waveguides — Kilian Sandholzer, Stephan Rinner, Justus Edelmann, •Nilesh Goel, and Andreas Reiserer