Bonn 2025 – scientific programme
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QI: Fachverband Quanteninformation
QI 1: Certification and Benchmarking of Quantum Systems
QI 1.2: Talk
Monday, March 10, 2025, 11:30–11:45, HS IX
Self-testing of memory-bounded quantum computers — •Jan Nöller1, Nikolai Miklin2, Martin Kliesch2, and Mariami Gachechiladze1 — 1TU Darmstadt — 2TU Hamburg
The rapid advancement of quantum computers makes it particularly important to develop methods for certifying their correct functioning. In a single-device setup, we propose a simple protocol called quantum system quizzing. This protocol achieves self-testing of an entire quantum model given by state preparation, gates, and measurement in a black-box scenario under the dimension assumption only. Due to the self-testing approach, this certification method is inherently free of state preparation and measurement errors.
The protocol is fundamentally based on testing deterministic input-ouput correlations which have been previously identified to be chracteristic for the targeted system. These input-output relations are tested on a quantum computer in each protocol round.
A particular challenge here is to recover the tensor-product structure of subsystems purely from the input-output relations, since space-like separation cannot be imposed in such a black-box scenario. Our work is the first to solve this issue without relying on computational assumptions.
For the simplest case of a single-qubit model, we additionally derive rigorous sampling complexity guarantees. Most interestingly, we prove an inverse linear relation between the average gate infidelities and the number of successful rounds in the protocol, rendering our method highly relevant for current experimental setups.
Keywords: Self-testing; Certification