Bonn 2025 – scientific programme
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QI: Fachverband Quanteninformation
QI 12: Quantum Computing Theory II
QI 12.6: Talk
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 12:30–12:45, HS IV
Impact of unital and non-unital noise on quantum phase estimation and Grover search algorithms — •Muhammad Faryad, Muhammad Faizan, and Amber Riaz — Department of Physics, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
Quantum phase estimation (QPE) and Grover search algorithms are basic sub-routines in many advanced quantum algorithms. To understand the impact of noise on these algorithms, we computed the phase estimated using the QPE and the probability of success of the Grover algorithm as a function of error probability induced by noise. We consider both unital noise processes such as depolarization noise and non-unital processes such as amplitude damping noise. This noise is modeled as a trace-preserving quantum channel. In the absence of amplitude damping, the performance of the QPE and Grover algorithm strongly depends upon the error probability of bit-flip, phase-flip, and depolarizing noise channel. However, the presence of amplitude damping seems to suppress the impact of unital noise processes.
References: [1] Ijaz and Faryad, Scientific Reports, 13, 20144 (2023). [2] Faizan and Faryad, Proc. SPIE, 12911-88 (2024).
Keywords: quantum phase estimation; Grover algorithm; noise channel