
Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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QI: Fachverband Quanteninformation

QI 13: Quantum Networks, Repeaters, and QKD II (joint session Q/QI)

Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 11:00–13:00, AP-HS

11:00 QI 13.1 Standalone mobile quantum memory system — •Martin Jutisz, Alexander Erl, Janik Wolters, Mustafa Gündoğan, and Markus Krutzik
11:15 QI 13.2 On-demand storage of single quantum-dot photons in a warm-vapour quantum memory — •Norman Vincenz Ewald, Benjamin Maaß, Avijit Barua, Elizabeth Robertson, Kartik Gaur, Suk In Park, Sven Rodt, Jin-Dong Song, Stephan Reitzenstein, and Janik Wolters
11:30 QI 13.3 All-optical control and readout of individual 167Er nuclear spin qubits — •Alexander Ulanowski, Fabian Salamon, Johannes Früh, Adrian Holzäpfel, and Andreas Reiserer
11:45 QI 13.4 Single-Shot Readout and Coherent Control of a GeV-13C System for a Multi-Qubit Quantum Repeater Node — •Prithvi Gundlapalli, Katharina Senkalla, Philipp J. Vetter, Nick Grimm, Jurek Frey, Tommaso Calarco, Genko Genov, Matthias M. Müller, and Fedor Jelezko
12:00 QI 13.5 Simulation of a heterogeneous quantum network using NetSquid — •Daniel Ventker, Ann-Kathrin Müller, and Florian Elsen
12:15 QI 13.6 Outlining the design for the receiver module for a scalable free-space quantum network — •Karabee Batta, Michael Steinberger, Moritz Birkhold, Adomas Baliuka, Harald Weinfurter, and Lukas Knips
12:30 QI 13.7 Optical single-shot readout of spin qubits in silicon — •Jakob Pforr, Andreas Gritsch, Alexander Ulanowski, Stephan Rinner, Johannes Früh, Florian Burger, Jonas Schmitt, Kilian Sandholzer, Adrian Holzäpfel, and Andreas Reiserer
12:45 QI 13.8 Tomography of a Rb-87 Quantum Memory — •Yiru Zhou, Florian Fertig, Pooja Malik, and Harald Weinfurter
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn