Bonn 2025 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
QI 16: Quantum Computing Theory III
Dienstag, 11. März 2025, 14:00–15:30, HS IV
14:00 |
QI 16.1 |
Time-Evolution Approach for Dynamical Mean Field Theory Calculations on a Quantum Computer — •Jannis Ehrlich and Daniel F. Urban
14:15 |
QI 16.2 |
Preparing ground-states of frustration-free Hamiltonians using measurement-and-feedback algorithms — •Tobias Schmale, Maria Kalabakov, and Hendrik Weimer
14:30 |
QI 16.3 |
First hitting time of a monitored quantum walk with long-range hopping — •Sayan Roy, Shamik Gupta, and Giovanna Morigi
14:45 |
QI 16.4 |
Quantum combinatorial optimization beyond the variational paradigm: simple schedules for hard problems — •Tim Bode, Krish Ramesh, and Tobias Stollenwerk
15:00 |
QI 16.5 |
Hybrid Quantum-Classical Method for Excited-State Calculations — •Sumeet Sumeet, Max Hörmann, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
15:15 |
QI 16.6 |
Limitations of Quantum Approximate Optimization in Solving Generic Higher-Order Constraint-Satisfaction Problems — Thorge Müller, •Ajainderpal Singh, Frank K. Wilhelm, and Tim Bode