Bonn 2025 – scientific programme
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QI: Fachverband Quanteninformation
QI 17: Quantum Sensing I (joint session Q/QI)
QI 17.3: Talk
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 11:30–11:45, HS V
Vector Magnetometry Using Shallow NV Centers with Waveguide-Assisted Dipole Excitation and Readout — •Sajedeh Shahbazi1, Giulio Coccia2, Argyro N. Giakoumaki2, Johannes Lang1, Vibhav Bharadwaj1, Fedor Jelezko1, Shane M. Eaton2, and Alexander Kubanek1 — 1Institute for Quantum Optics, Ulm University, D-89081 Ulm, Germany — 2Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies (IFN) - CNR, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, Milano 20133, Italy
On-chip magnetic field sensing with NV centers in diamond requires scalable integration of 3D waveguides into diamond substrates. Here, we develop a sensing array device with an ensemble of shallow implanted NV centers integrated with arrays of laser-written waveguides for excitation and readout of NV signals. Our approach enables an easy-to-operate on-chip magnetometer with a pixel size proportional to the Gaussian mode area of each waveguide. The performed continuous wave optically detected magnetic resonance on each waveguide gives an average dc-sensitivity value of 195 ± 3nT/√Hz. We apply a magnetic field to separate the four NV crystallographic orientations of the magnetic resonance and then utilize a DC current through a straight wire antenna close to the waveguide to prove the sensor capabilities of our device. We reconstruct the complete vector magnetic field in the NV crystal frame using three different NV crystallographic orientations. The waveguide mode’s polarization allows B-filed projection into the lab frame[1]. Ref.1: Shahbazi et al.(2024), arXiv:2407.18711
Keywords: Magnetometry; Quantum Sensing; NV centers; laser written waveguides; Quantum Technology