
Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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QI: Fachverband Quanteninformation

QI 2: Quantum Machine Learning I

Montag, 10. März 2025, 11:00–12:45, HS VIII

11:00 QI 2.1 Self-Adaptive Physics-Informed Quantum Machine Learning for Solving Differential Equations — •Abhishek Setty, Rasul Abdusalamov, and Felix Motzoi
11:15 QI 2.2 Automation of Quantum Machine Learning — •Marco Roth
11:30 QI 2.3 Expressive power of reservoir-based quantum machine learning — •Nils-Erik Schütte, Niclas Götting, Hauke Müntinga, Meike List, and Christopher Gies
11:45 QI 2.4 Generating reservoir state descriptions with random matrices — •Tobias Fellner, Samuel Tovey, Christian Holm, and Michael Spannowsky
12:00 QI 2.5 Quantum reservoir computing maps data onto the Krylov space — •Saud Cindrak, Lina Jaurigue, and Kathy Lüdge
12:15 QI 2.6 Investigating the Quantum Circuit Born Machine — •Michael Krebsbach, Florentin Reiter, Ali Abedi, Hagen-Henrik Kowalski, and Thomas Wellens
12:30 QI 2.7 Optimal recoil-free state preparation in an optical atom tweezer — •Lia Kley, Nicolas Heimann, Aslam Parvej, Lukas Broers, and Ludwig Mathey
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn