
Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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QI: Fachverband Quanteninformation

QI 30: Quantum Computing and Simulation I (joint session Q/QI)

Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 11:00–13:00, AP-HS

11:00 QI 30.1 Simulating scalar quantum field theories on integrated photonics platforms — •Mauro D'Achille, Martin Gärttner, and Tobias Haas
11:15 QI 30.2 Photonic Qubit Phase Gate with 1D Scattering from an Array of Two-Level Emitters — •Evangelos Varvelis and Joachim Ankerhold
11:30 QI 30.3 Modeling Fabrication Tolerances in RF Junctions for Register-Based Trapped-Ion Quantum Processors — •Florian Ungerechts, Rodrigo Munoz, Janina Bätge, Mohammad Masum Billah, Axel Hoffmann, Giorgio Zarantonello, and Christian Ospelkaus
11:45 QI 30.4 Local Control in a Sr quantum computing demonstrator — •Kevin Mours, Eran Reches, Robin Eberhard, Dimitrios Tsevas, Zhao Zhang, Lorenzo Festa, Max Melchner, Andrea Alberti, Sebastian Blatt, Johannes Zeiher, and Immanuel Bloch
12:00 QI 30.5 Programmable Fermionic Quantum Simulation with Ground-State Optical Tweezer Arrays — •Jin Zhang, Naman Jain, Marcus Culemann, Kirill Khoruzhii, Jun Ong, Xinyi Huang, Pragya Sharma, and Philipp Preiss
12:15 QI 30.6 Towards cavity-mediated entanglement within an atomic array — •Johannes Schabbauer, Stephan Roschinski, Franz von Silva-Tarouca, and Julian Leonard
12:30 QI 30.7 Neutral Ytterbium atoms in optical tweezers for quantum computing and simulation — •Jonas Rauchfuß, Tobias Petersen, Nejira Pintul, Clara Schellong, Jan Deppe, Carina Hansen, Koen Sponselee, Alexander Ilin, Klaus Sengstock, and Christoph Becker
12:45 QI 30.8 Eigen-SNAP gate of two photonic qubits coupled via a transmon — •Marcus Meschede and Ludwig Mathey
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn