Bonn 2025 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
QI 32: Quantum Communication II: Implementations (joint session QI/Q)
Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 14:30–16:30, HS IX
14:30 |
QI 32.1 |
Darmstadt quantum local area network (DaQLAN) — •Maximilian Tippmann, Florian Niederschuh, Maximilian Mengler, Erik Fitzke, Oleg Nikiforov, and Thomas Walther
14:45 |
QI 32.2 |
A Compact Receiver for Polarisation Encoded BB84 Quantum Key Distribution — •Michael Steinberger, Moritz Birkhold, Michael Auer, Adomas Baliuka, Harald Weinfurter, and Lukas Knips
15:00 |
QI 32.3 |
Optical system for bi-directional tracking in free-space quantum key distribution link — •Akhil Gupta, Michael Auer, Michael Steinberger, Adomas Baliuka, Moritz Birkhold, Manpreet Kaur, Harald Weinfurter, and Lukas Knips
15:15 |
QI 32.4 |
Frequency conversion in a hydrogen-filled hollow core fiber — •Anica Hamer, Frank Vewinger, Thorsten Peters, and Simon Stellmer
15:30 |
QI 32.5 |
QKD satellite QUBE - Launched and commissioned — •Moritz Birkhold für die QUBE Konsortium Kollaboration
15:45 |
QI 32.6 |
QUBE-II: Compact and economical satellite-based quantum key distribution — •Joost Vermeer for the QUBE-II collaboration
16:00 |
QI 32.7 |
Pulse shape optimization against Doppler shifts and delays in optical quantum communication — •Emanuel Schlake, Roy Barzel, Dennis Rätzel, and Claus Lämmerzahl
16:15 |
QI 32.8 |
Dynamic Polarization State Preparation for Single-Photon Quantum Cryptography — •Anastasios Fasoulakis, Koray Kaymazlar, Martin von Helversen, and Tobias Heindel