
Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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QI: Fachverband Quanteninformation

QI 36: Poster – Quantum Information (joint session QI/Q)

Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 17:00–19:00, Tent

17:00 QI 36.1 Classicality, Markovianity and local detailed balance in isolated quantum systems — •Philipp Strasberg
17:00 QI 36.2 Intensity Stabilization in Fiber Amplifiers: Effects on Phase Noise, Linewidth, and Qubit Coherence — •Jia-Yang Gao, Jasper Phua Sing Cheng, Morteza Ahmadi, and Manas Mukherjee
17:00 QI 36.3 Preparation and Control of Logical Qubits in the Hyperfine Structure of 173Yb+ — •Selena-Maria Bota, Monika Leibscher, and Christiane P. Koch
17:00 QI 36.4 Measurable Entanglement lower bounds for Cold Atom Quantum Simulators using kinetic operators — •Maike Reckermann, Niklas Euler, and Martin Gärttner
17:00 QI 36.5 Polarization Independent Frequency Conversion into the UV — •Katrin Schatzmayr, Anica Hamer, and Simon Stellmer
17:00 QI 36.6 Comparative analysis of loan risk forecasting using quantum machine learning and classical machine learning models — •Mohammed Mustapha Adamu, Peter Nimbe, and Abdul Razak Nuhu
17:00 QI 36.7 Surgical Procedure Recognition Using Quantum Machine Learning — •Abdul Razak Nuhu, Peter Nimbe, Mohammed Mustapha Adamu, and Eliezer Ofori Odei-Lartey
17:00 QI 36.8 Photon Fusion Analysis with Imperfect Sources — •Ruolin Guan and Klemens Hammerer
17:00 QI 36.9 Witnessing quantum memory in dynamics using quantum processors — •Krishna Palaparthy, Charlotte Bäcker, and Walter Strunz
17:00 QI 36.10 Quantum vs. classical: A comprehensive benchmark study for time series prediction using variational quantum algorithms — •Tobias Fellner, David Kreplin, Samuel Tovey, and Christian Holm
17:00 QI 36.11 Efficient simulation of microscopic master equations using tensor product states — •Junyi Zhang, André Eckardt, and Alexander Schnell
17:00 QI 36.12 Synchronizing Detector Dead Times to Accelerate Quantum Key Distribution — •Maximilian Mengler, Maximilian Tippmann, and Thomas Walther
17:00 QI 36.13 Implementing post-processing algorithms for a star-shaped quantum key hub — •Tobias Liebmann, Maximilian Tippmann, and Thomas Walther
17:00 QI 36.14 A quantum-network register assembled with optical tweezers in an optical cavity — •Matthias Seubert, Lukas Hartung, Stephan Welte, Emanuele Distante, and Gerhard Rempe
17:00 QI 36.15 Three axis magnetic field control setup for nitrogen-vacancy color center magnetometry — •Ricky-Joe Plate, Jan Thieme, Bernd Bauerhenne, and Kilian Singer
17:00 QI 36.16 Atom-Photon entanglement across a metropolitan network — •Maya Büki, Tobias Frank, Marvin Scholz, Gianvito Chiarella, Pau Farrera, Pooja Malik, Yiru Zhou, Florian Fertig, Harald Weinfurter, and Gerhard Rempe
17:00 QI 36.17 Solving optimization problems on quantum systems. — •Kapil Goswami, Rick Mukherjee, Herwig Ott, and Peter Schmelcher
17:00 QI 36.18 Generation and characterization of entangled photon source through the spontaneous parametric down conversion — •Chandana Rao Attigadde Shashikirana, Umakant D Rapol, and Anindita Bannerjee
17:00 QI 36.19 Multi-Pass Quantum Process Tomography — •Stancho Stanchev and Nikolay Vitanov
17:00 QI 36.20 Surface-electrode ion trap testing apparatus for the QTZ at PTB — •Marco Bonkowski, Sebastian Halama, and Christian Ospelkaus
  17:00 QI 36.21 The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 QI 36.22 What can we learn from the phase of the momentum wave function? — •André Knoll, Leon Cohen, and Wolfgang Schleich
17:00 QI 36.23 AQuRA: A software package for simulating quantum computing with continuous variables — •Sebastian Luhn and Matthias Zimmermann
17:00 QI 36.24 Spectral Compatibility and Analytical Constraints in Quantum Marginal Problems — •van Dellen Lea, Wyderka Nikolai, Bruß Dagmar, and Kampermann Hermann
17:00 QI 36.25 Super-Heisenberg scaling of the quantum Fisher information using spin-motion states — •Venelin Pavlov and Peter Ivanov
17:00 QI 36.26 Thermodynamic Consistency of Markovian Embeddings of Open Quantum Systems — •Shreesha S. Hegde, Adrian Romer, and Christiane P. Koch
17:00 QI 36.27 Wigner Negativity and Nonclassicality — •Michael E. N. Tschaffon and Matthias Freyberger
17:00 QI 36.28 Composite pulses for robust ensemble based quantum tokens with Nitrogen Vacancy color centers — •Jan Thieme, Josselin Bernardoff, Ricky-Joe Plate, Bernd Bauerhenne, and Kilian Singer
17:00 QI 36.29 Efficient tensor network simulation of open quantum systems with realistic environments — •Matteo Garbellini, Valentin Link, and Walter Strunz
17:00 QI 36.30 Blind Grover Search for Gate-based Quantum Computers — •Alexander Sauer, Alexander von Consbruch, and Matthias Zimmermann
17:00 QI 36.31 Metrology for magnetic moments in transmission electron microscopes — •Michael Gaida, Santiago Beltran Romero, Stefan Nimmrichter, Dennis Rätzel, and Philipp Haslinger
17:00 QI 36.32 Scalable, high-fidelity all-electronic control of trapped-ion qubits — •Clemens Löschnauer, Jacopo Mosca Toba, Amy Hughes, Steven King, Marius Weber, Raghavendra Srinivas, Roland Matt, Rustin Nourshargh, David Allcock, Chris Ballance, Clemens Matthiesen, Maciej Malinowski, and Thomas Harty
17:00 QI 36.33 Towards a real-time controlled cryogenic eight qubit quantum processor — •Erik Dunkel, Kevin Rempel, Sebastian Halama, Celeste Torkzaban, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 QI 36.34 Mitigation of longitudinal electric field components in a tweezer-sized standing-wave optical dipole trap — •Florian Fertig, Pooja Malik, Yiru Zhou, Chengfeng Xu, and Harald Weinfurter
17:00 QI 36.35 Integration of 3D glass structures for scalable trapped-ion quantum computing — •Victoria Schwab, Klemens Schueppert, Max Glantschnig, Alexander Zesar, Adrian Woyke, Philipp Hurdax, Bernhard Lamprecht, Marco Valentini, Marco Schmauser, and Philipp Schindler
17:00 QI 36.36 Observing Product of Weak Values — •Vinay Tumuluru, Jan Dziewior, Carlotta Versmold, Florian Huber, Lev Vaidman, and Harald Weinfurter
17:00 QI 36.37 Range of operation and oversqueezed regime of squeezing transfer as means of generating spin-entangled states in trapped ions — •Nadezhda Markova
17:00 QI 36.38 Consistent Strong-Coupling Quantum Master Equations from Dynamical Maps — •Anton Braun, André Eckardt, and Alexander Schnell
17:00 QI 36.39 Quantum algorithms to solve partial differential equations in battery modelling — •David Steffen, Albert Pool, Michael Schelling, and Birger Horstmann
  17:00 QI 36.40 The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 QI 36.41 Quantum robustness of the toric code in a parallel field on the honeycomb lattice — •Viktor Kott, Matthias Mühlhauser, Jan Alexander Koziol, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
17:00 QI 36.42 Householder reflections in the Hilbert space of ions trapped in Paul trap — •Vasil Vasilev and Nikolay Vitanov
17:00 QI 36.43 Onset of Quantum Thermalization in Jahn-Teller model. Stochasticity in ergodic quantum systems. — •Yoana Chorbadzhiyska and Peter Ivanov
17:00 QI 36.44 Characterization and mitigation of optical side-channels in QKD — •Evelyn Edel, Moritz Birkhold, Lukas Knips, Sebastian Melik, and Harald Weinfurter
17:00 QI 36.45 Quantum search with resetting — •Sayan Roy, Emma King, and Giovanna Morigi
17:00 QI 36.46 Off-resonant dipole-phonon interaction for quantum information processing with molecular rotors — •Leonel O. Stenkhoff, Monika Leibscher, and Christiane P. Koch
17:00 QI 36.47 Pulse shaping strategies: smooth sine-based pulses for enhanced stability and super power broadening with two tunable types of pulses — •Ivo Mihov and Nikolay Vitanov
17:00 QI 36.48 Simulating Chemistry with Fermionic Optical Superlattices — •Jin Zhang, Fotios Gkritsis, Daniel Dux, Naman Jain, Christian Gogolin, and Philipp Preiss
17:00 QI 36.49 Sparse Optimization of Quantum Fourier Transform Spectroscopy — •Chinmay Sangavadekar, Zhengjun Wang, and Frank Schlawin
  17:00 QI 36.50 The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 QI 36.51 Quantum Generative Modelling with Conservation Law based Pretraining — •Akash Malemath, Yannick Werner, Paul Lukowicz, and Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis
17:00 QI 36.52 Cluster-additivity of perturbative discrete product of unitaries and applications to the variational quantum eigensolver — •Max Hörmann, Harald Leiser, Sumeet Sumeet, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
17:00 QI 36.53 Employing Two-Photon Interference to Secure QKD Against Optical Side Channels — •Franziska Divkovic, Moritz Birkhold, Harald Weinfurter, and Lukas Knips
17:00 QI 36.54 Robust VECSEL for Controlling trapped Magnesium Ions — •Tobias Spanke, Lennart Guth, Philip Kiefer, Lucas Eisenhart, Deviprasath Palani, Apurba Das, Florian Haße, Jörn Denter, Mario Niebuhr, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schätz
17:00 QI 36.55 Complexity: chaos, regular, and complex — •Adisorn Panasawatwong, Jan-Michael Rost, and Ulf Saalmann
17:00 QI 36.56 Efficient quantum control by composite ultrastrong field — •Kremena Parashkevova and Nikolay Vitanov
17:00 QI 36.57 Towards Scalable Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions: Single-Ion Addressing and Efficient Cooling — •Robin Strohmaier, Daniel Wessel, Alexander Müller, Jonas Vogel, Björn Lekitsch, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
17:00 QI 36.58 Noisy Rydberg Quantum Gates — •Santiago Higuera Quintero, Sebastian Weber, Katharina Brechtelsbauer, Nicolai Lang, Tilman Pfau, Florian Meinert, and Hans Peter Büchler
17:00 QI 36.59 Quantum systems driven by nonclassical light treated using the hierarchy of pure states — •Vladislav Sukharnikov, Stasis Chuchurka, and Frank Schlawin
17:00 QI 36.60 Exploring Long-Range Interactions in Quantum Many-Body Systems — •Antonia Duft, Patrick Adelhardt, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
17:00 QI 36.61 Is Localization a security threat in Quantum Machine Learning? — •Yannick Werner, Nikolaos Palaiodimopoulos, Omid Faizy, Nico Piatkowski, Paul Lukowicz, and Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis
17:00 QI 36.62 Gradient magnetometry with atomic ensembles — •Iagoba Apellaniz, Iñigo Urizar-Lanz, Zoltán Zimborás, Philipp Hyllus, and Géza Tóth
17:00 QI 36.63 A Weak Measurement Based Toy Model to Probe Quantum Properties in a Cosmological Setting — •Joel Huber, Časlav Brukner, and Igor Pikovski
17:00 QI 36.64 Towards a quantum processor with non-local interactions and programmable connectivity. — •Franz von Silva-Tarouca, Stephan Roschinski, Johannes Schabbauer, and Julian Léonard
17:00 QI 36.65 Quantum simulator with 40 nuclear spins in diamond — •Christina Ioannou
  17:00 QI 36.66 The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 QI 36.67 Optimal control of arbitrary perfectly entangling gates for open quantum systems — •Adrian Romer, Daniel Reich, and Christiane P. Koch
17:00 QI 36.68 Phase Space Dynamics of Continuous-Variable, Open Bosonic Systems with Generative Neural Quantum States — •Ege Görgün and Martin Gärttner
17:00 QI 36.69 Correlations in non Markovian Open Quantum System Dynamics — •Isabelle McEntee, Adrian Romer, and Christiane P. Koch
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn