Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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QI: Fachverband Quanteninformation
QI 36: Poster – Quantum Information (joint session QI/Q)
QI 36.60: Poster
Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, 17:00–19:00, Tent
Exploring Long-Range Interactions in Quantum Many-Body Systems — •Antonia Duft, Patrick Adelhardt, and Kai Phillip Schmidt — Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Long-range interactions play a crucial role in many quantum many-body systems and might influence their dynamics, critical behavior, and phases of matter. Experimentally, algebraically decaying long-range interactions ∼ r−(d+σ) are relevant in various quantum-optical platforms, including ultracold atoms, trapped ions, and Rydberg atom arrays which can also serve as analogue quantum simulators. However, their theoretical treatment poses challenges compared to short-ranged systems. To address these, we utilize the method of perturbative Continuous Unitary Transformations (pCUT)combined with classical Monte Carlo (MC) techniques. A linked-cluster expansion is set up for long-range interactions using white graphs and the embedding is handled in a MC algorithm. This approach enables the extraction of high-order series expansions of physical quantities in the thermodynamic limit. The pCUT+MC approach can be employed to tackle a multitude of systems, including paradigmatic models like the spin-1/2 transverse field Ising model, XY model, and Heisenberg model. We further apply the method to spin-1 Heisenberg systems.