
Bonn 2025 – scientific programme

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QI: Fachverband Quanteninformation

QI 38: Quantum Thermodynamics

QI 38.9: Talk

Friday, March 14, 2025, 13:00–13:15, HS IX

Coherence Manipulation in Asymmetry and Thermodynamics — •Tulja Varun Kondra — Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf

In the classical regime, thermodynamic state transformations are governed by the free energy. This is also called as the second law of thermodynamics. Previous works showed that, access to a catalytic system allows us to restore the second law in the quantum regime when we ignore coherence. However, in the quantum regime, coherence and free energy are two independent resources. Therefore, coherence places additional nontrivial restrictions on the state transformations that remain elusive. In order to close this gap, we isolate and study the nature of coherence, i.e., we assume access to a source of free energy. We show that allowing catalysis along with a source of free energy allows us to amplify any quantum coherence present in the quantum state arbitrarily. Additionally, any correlations between the system and the catalyst can be suppressed arbitrarily. Therefore, our results provide a key step in formulating a fully general law of quantum thermodynamics.

Keywords: Quantum catalysis; Resource theories; Quantum thermodynamics

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