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QI: Fachverband Quanteninformation
QI 42: Quantum Technologies (Color Centers and Ion Traps) II (joint session Q/QI)
QI 42.6: Vortrag
Freitag, 14. März 2025, 12:30–12:45, HS Botanik
Cavity-Enhanced Spin-Photon Interface for Single Tin-Vacancy Centers in Diamond — •Andras Lauko1, Kerim Köster1, Julia Heupel2, Philipp Fuchs3, Michael Kieschnick4, Michael Förg5, Thomas Hümmer5, Cyril Popov2, Jan Meijer4, Christoph Becher3, and David Hunger1 — 1Karlsruher Institut für Technologie — 2Universität Kassel — 3Universität des Saarlandes — 4Universität Leipzig — 5Qlibri GmbH
Building a long-distance quantum network is one of the big challenges in the field of quantum communication, which requires the development of a quantum repeater.
Tin-vacancy centers in diamond are a rising candidate among color centers in diamond, having higher operating temperatures than silicon-vacancy centers and less prone to phonon-coupling relative to nitrogen-vacancy centers.
In our experiment, we integrate a diamond membrane into an open access fiber-based Fabry-Perot microcavity to attain emission enhancement in a single well-collectable mode. We present our fully tunable, cryogenic cavity platform operating in a tabletop dilution cryostat, and we achieve a picometer mechanical stability. The platform also allows for integration of a superconducting DC magnet and microwave antenna for spin manipulation.
We observe cavity-enhanced fluorescence signal of single, shallow-implanted tin-vacancy centers in diamond, showing Purcell-enhancement and thus higher emission rates and reduced excited state lifetimes.
Keywords: SnV; diamond; cavity